Sex Boat (fka miss_chevious)

In fanfic, the concept of lifting aspects of stories is called a “remix” — like you take someone else’s story and redo it in your own voice or with your own ideas -- but generally when you’re doing a remix you credit the original author and acknowledge the remix.  It’s not “plagiarism” because the whole point is to

When it happened to me I was incandescent with anger, even though it’s just fanfic.  I’m glad you could laugh at it at the time.  I can see the humor now, but when it happened?  NO.

I had a piece of fanfic plagiarized and passed off as someone else’s work once, and I was en fuego I was so angry about it. I was especially angry that the plagiarizer tried to answer questions about the characters and motivations and it was so clear that (a) she didn’t have a fucking clue what the story was about and


You’re welcome!  :D

I used to feel this way, despite being a former McDonald’s employee, but every BK I’ve been to in the last five years has been flat out disgusting (one so much so that I actually threw the food away before tasting it) and the hashbrowns taste like old oil. (This isn’t fast food snobbery — I eat McDonald’s breakfast

There’s a lot of TLC at my gym as well, probably because I like to go in the middle of the day when the moms are there.

Your list is filled with moves that are completely unwatchable

Aside: Airplane! Is so much funnier to me now that I’ve seen Airport 1975, one of the four (!!!) airport movies that Airplane! is based on.  If you haven’t seen it, it is worth it, just to get more of the Airplane! references (bonus points for Eric Estrada being creepy as fucking hell).

 Yeah, I like the Giants’ black jerseys, but I do with they were legible.

This is something I first realized reading Gretchen Rubin, who wrote The Happiness Project — acknowledge what makes you happy, and handle the details of your life in accordance with that. Like, yes, it is cool to have a real tree, but real trees are a pain in the ass to me — getting them, watering them, decorating

I do this with my dentist, eye doctor, and one other appointment (GP, mammogram, etc.) and it works out great.  The dentist and eye doctor are usually right on schedule, and I schedule the medical appointment for last, so any overruns won’t impact the other two appointments.  Pro tip -- schedule the medical

They are also often quiet! They aren’t rewarded with attention for barking at the track, where they are fed and exercised on a set schedule, so they don’t bark much (unless they have separation anxiety or some other condition).

Squeaky Snake!  My greyhound has the same snake and it is his bosom companion.

Harnesses are hard to fit for greyhounds — the chest to waist ratio is crazy -- but you could try them.  I’ve never had a problem with the martingale, though.

I’m in Chicago, and you just get them a good dog coat. Mine has three: a windbreaker, a fleece, and a heavy duty fleece, all with snoods (like turtlenecks) that can go up over his ears if it’s really wet or cold out. You can’t buy the coats in stores, generally — store coats aren’t sized right for greyhounds — but

JELLUS!!! Kai Ryssdal is my NPR Sekrit Boifriend. I love his voice soooo much.

I always skip it when it’s on tv, like the barfing in Pitch Perfect.  It’s so over the top.