Bougie black person here.
Bougie black person here.
“an actual member of the Black Panther Party who’s just really good at karate.”
I always thought I was weird cuz I’m like the one person on the planet who doesn’t get excited over trailers.
So everyone is going on the 15th right? And taking friday to recuperate and read/write all the think pieces. Why wait for Friday? Go for the ‘midnight’ showing
It could. Also celebration of Angela Bassett in general.
black T-shirts covered with 100 surprisingly realistic pictures of Maxine Waters dunking on Steve Bannon
I already have my flowing dashiki, door knocker earrings and my hair appointment for Bantu knots ready to go.
So true. Just imagine all of the Yacubian fuckery on Insta with headwraps, and bracelets and “black panther is all of us” tweets. I need this to stay us. And by that, i mean I want to be able to buy bootleg t-shirt with Black Panther and President Obama punching Trump while stuck in traffic on my way in to the theater.
Please. Let. This. Movie. Be. GREAT.
You are not the only one. Me and a co-worker on this Marvel joint we work on, are talking possibly going Tuxedo. Accesorizing with a kinte cloth tie or scarf like we stole wardrobe from the Cosby show opening sequence.
that’s dumb. what happened to things like “what’s up?” “what are we drinking?” or something like “are you a dancer/runner/etc?” for certain body types? All of those worked reasonably well for me regardless of ladies’s’s ethnicity. Then again, I’m a little light skinned for a latino and grew up in white land, so i’m…
I thought it was just me! I’ve been bet on in bars. “Uh, we took a bet. You’re Hawaiian, right?” “No, I’m Norwegian.” I usually answer something stupid.
I am a very light-skinned black woman, not bi-racial at all. It drives me crazy. When I tell people that I’m just a plain, old black chick they don’t believe me. I…
Being of those nationalities doesn’t equate to being white, yes. But if you’re talking about what you “are,” and you say “I’m Black, Danish, French, Italian, and German,” you’re just saying you’re Black and white, especially if you are American. It would be weird to do that.
My son is half black and one day when I picked him up from daycare ( he was 2 ) one of the moms commented on how nice his tan was. All I could think was, “Yeah I totally take my two-year-old tanning...”.
Irish, Danish, English, and Spanish are all the same thing, though.
Yeah, I might notice that someone is of mixed race, but I don’t like to sit and try to deduce what the mix includes, and I definitely wouldn’t ask.
Remember when a red carpet reporter asked Rashida Jones about her tan and her response was “I’m Ethnic”?
I am judging that woman, whoever she is, so hard for sleeping with Kid Rock.
whaaaat? Kid Rock has a black kid? o____o
There are many things I hate about Crazytown. I don’t like the stigma that comes with living here. The cost of…