
I’ve had to tell some friends of mine to back off. A lot of us really don’t understand either no means no or or just plain “damn bro back off shes not interested.” Some guys honestly think repetition will eventually get a yes or consent from women and it doesn’t work like that. sometimes theres almost this entitlement

I think that’s pretty bold of you to creep on her in front of her husband like that.

White people love that loop hole.

Uh, to repeat the popular disclaimer; He’s got neither the depth, nor the warmth.

I could have sworn that Tom Arnold had claimed he had Apprentice tapes with Pumpkinhead using the n-word and calling his son a r-tard. Did I imagine this? When is a disgruntled NBC employee dropping more Apprentice hot-mic tapes?

Seriously why has no one dealt with the cunt yet?

Yeah, and colorism does exist, but it’s not like a lot of the white supremacist structure considers you or me white. The best you can do is be yourself and try to lift others up rather than keeping them down. Sometimes thats correcting well meaning friends and relatives, sometimes its correcting ourselves.

I’m mixed. I mean I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I have colorist privilege and people can pretty much see that I’m mixed. Nobody would call me white though, just like white folks didn’t claim Tiger or Obama.

See, since white people are partially blind to this kind of stuff, many of them actually thought she was either white or something other than half-Black. Since she can supposedly pass, she is getting different treatment than other Black women would, white parent or not. Choosing not to identify as Black when you are

But she is mixed....so I don’t get it. She’s black and white. She doesn’t have to dismiss either of her parents to make us happy.

The minute I heard about salmonella leaching into stuffing, I stopped putting food I intended to eat in a bird. Plus, you don’t get a crust with it in there. Gotta let that dressing breathe.

Unless you’re the designated macaroni cook, then you just make an extra pan and “forget” it at home.

“I used to be a okay painter, before, well, you know, that other stuff.”—Adolph Hitler

Serves ‘em right. Eyes on your own paper, everybody.

Meh, Trump just did that so he could claim Black people owed him, or he was good for them. I’m glad they got to go home though.

Right, and it nails these truths which is what the scary part is. The overtly “horror” parts of the operation, kidnapping and all that aren’t what’s horrific. That’s standard “horror movie” fare. What’s actually scary is the reality that most white liberals have a blind spot when it comes to acknowledging the humanity

Get Out was creepy as fuck. When it came on HBO the other day, I started watching it by myself and then quickly changed it when the title came up because I decided watching it alone was a dumb idea.

Yeah, that scene is heartbreaking to watch. She’s essentially erased twice in the movie: once, her identity as a black woman, and second, her identity as a black lesbian. That’s why I think she breaks through a couple times, so to see her fall back really hurts.