Are you seriously comparing tanning - something the skin naturally does when exposed to light, something that is temporary - to artificial skin bleaching? Sit your raggedy, stupid ass all the way down in all the seats.
Are you seriously comparing tanning - something the skin naturally does when exposed to light, something that is temporary - to artificial skin bleaching? Sit your raggedy, stupid ass all the way down in all the seats.
Apparently, you’re blind as well as stupid. You might try to look at the before and after pictures. No one is going to pale up that much between summer and winter months (or warm and cold climate) without help.
This guy has said that he used a softening cream which (as a by-product) “lightened his skin some”. He did not use a lightening cream he used a de-pigmenting cream. In his next press statement, he’ll probably say that he has vitiligo.
He was actually a handsome man before the bleaching. Tall, dark, athletic. Those are good qualities. Now he looks like he gets blow jobs from vampires.
Gotta say he’s got one handsome son through.
He makes one ugly ass White man. He looked MUCH better brown. He must have some serious psychological issues.
Am I the only one seeing Ted Cruz?
He looked so much better with some pigment IMO.
The amount of arrogance displayed in that “apology” was astounding. How many times did he talk about being admired?
Your mother is one smart lady. I had a neighbor who was a Holocaust survivor. She emigrated to America shortly after the end of World War II. We were chatting one day and I said that I was able to empathize with what Jews went through, because of what my ancestors went through here in America.
The way he kept demanding women tell him on how not to be be a predator so that he could “help us”. Fuck outta here with that bullshit.
White People are evil.
What, no clapback for the burner that John Singleton created to tell Danielle the way things really happened? Ok to be fair Angela and Danielle handled it but was hoping to see it here :)
He was already a role model. Now he’s showing another side of manhood and setting a great example for black boys and men who’ve been sexually abused. This man deserves all the applause.
I am soooo glad for this. I can remember having several conversations with African-American males about the sexual objectificatoin they face daily. Some really bad situations involving being “forced” into sexual relationships (with women in power) in order to keep jobs, gain promotions, or have “mistakes” excused. I…
I love that everyone is finally coming forward to speak their truths, drawing strength from each other and knowing they aren’t alone anymore. This feels like something substantial gaining steam.
They way most women feel about Beyonce is the way I feel about Crews. The man hustles: artist, gamer, actor, athlete, all around amazing human being.