...and definitely, don’t touch your eye, lest you wind up with conjunctivitis (I heard).
...and definitely, don’t touch your eye, lest you wind up with conjunctivitis (I heard).
Pssshhhh. I just got my genetic testing back, so I have all kinds of new, way more exotic shit to worry about.
If you want to use SLS, go right ahead, but when a company says it’s not in their product and it turns out to be in there product, it’s a problem. I don’t like being lied to.
I feel ya. There is NO REASON that dishes, pots and pans from the previous meal should be left in the sink.. When any meal is finished, anything used to prepare, serve and eat that meal has to be dealt with. I realize that sometimes people are late getting to work or whatever, but there should always be available room…
Interesting question, but I feel you kind of have to drink it to REALLY get it. I dated a guy who said it was his favorite novel of all time. I think he was, like you, mostly looking at the self reliance stuff, but after I read it I just could not believe that it’s possible to love the baby without drinking the bath…
I bet it would be pretty good with regular chocolate too...
Yes please.
I’m from Canada and live in CA and I ski regularly. Almost everyone visiting from a city uses cable chains on our tires, and only when it’s snowing. The rest of the time all roads and parking lots are clear. You really don’t need to rent a car to go to the snow. It’s not like there are lots full of vehicles with snow…
I like to bring my own pillow, and I put it in a colorful pillowcase so I don't forget it when packing up.
That voice-over girl sounds like a 13 year old being forced to read to the class. I hope she has other things to do there. Reading/speaking is not her jam.
Yup. LOVE my Diva Cup. I’m using it now!
I thought there was some law that spouses to not have to testify, or are depositions different?
I like her haircut.
I’m so glad he did because I was starting to panic.
Haha, yes.
I would just wash a carton and stick it right there on the nightstand.
Also, wnee is my new favorite word.
Pic of the butter or it didn’t happen.
I’m so over buffet brunch, wnee I pay $60-$100 to bet one plate of eggs and a bunch of other stuff I’m not going to finish. It's such a gluttonous exercise and I'm not up to the challenge.