
Are you me?

Are you a people-pleaser? Is that the trap that gets you? You end up with an emotionally unavailable man and think that if you just try harder, if you just give more, if you somehow make yourself better, if you are the best partner you can possibly be, it will somehow change him? But he will never be emotionally

You are me. I am you. And I’m so sorry.

It’s a lot of work. I mean it.

Also, if it makes you feel any better, they’ve been married for 21 years. He’s 69, meaning that he didn’t marry the “love of his life” until he was 48.

I’ve decided that there should be a dating app where the only person who can write and edit your profile is your therapist. Also, they have to sign off on anyone you actually go out with.

I hear ya. I do not know how people get so lucky. I must have the worst taste in men of anyone.

This is very good advice, but I wonder...why are some of us this way? Is it something we’re born with? The result of some traumatic incident in childhood? I’d really like to know.

I think it suggests that everybody is different and has different experiences with marriage and with everything else.

“fervent supporter of organizations like PETA”

I’m glad they are finally defunding Sesame Street. Kids today are too used to being given everything. In my day, if we wanted to watch puppets count to ten, we had to go and farm our own sheep, shear them ourselves, make wool, knit socks with needles we had whittled from trees we grew ourselves, stick our hands in the

Autonomy over one’s own body is a right.

If you’re anti-abortion but respect that it’s your personal decision and are cool with letting others do whatever they want because they ALSO get to make that personal decision, by all means join us.

I think you can be a feminist and anti-abortion, but you can’t be a feminist and be anti-choice. Feminism isn’t about the right to “live out our womenhood.” It’s about working to liberate women from the oppression of the kyriarchy. Feminists don’t have to see abortion as an option for themselves, but attempting to

Feminism is about equality through legal rights and changing outdated cultural attitudes. When you try to take away other women’s rights, you aren’t a feminist.

I paid for that seat. I will do everything from reclining it to dry humping it for as long as my ass is in it.

Sure, but when I drink all of the booze in a place people are like, “Wendigo, you need to get help” or “put your fucking pants on you sick freak.” Unfair.

I’m trying to decide how high these women are. The back room where they line up must just be feathers and joints.

All chaps are assless. That’s the point of chaps. If they had an ass they’d just be pants.

Fuck you for making me look this up.