
OMG reading that was like a punch in the gut because THAT IS IT EXACTLYYYYYYYYYY.

Yeah it’s bad enough to be someone that attracts emotionally unavailable men, it’s even worse to have personality flaws and insecurities that are triggered by that scenario. So it’s really hard for me to pull myself out of that trap with these men once it starts. Gah.

I feel this so hard. I attract emotionally unavailable men like it’s my job. There could be 100 men in a room, and I would attract the 2 that are emotionally unavailable and/or incapable of sustaining a relationship. What’s worse is it triggers the worst parts of my personality, which end up shoving me into a cycle of

God, yes. I pick the worst men. My friends aren’t really any better about setting me up though, so therapist would probably be a better chance.

Ohhhh maybe I should try that! I recently started doing BumbleBFF, just looking for female friends at this point because I can’t take the dating. I just want cool people to hang out with. If one of them ends up having a single male friend or whatever, great, but at this point I just want good company.

I FEEL THIS SO HARD. Recently, I was petting and giving kisses to my Doge and literally started crying because she was so fucking cute and perfect.

Welp, I’ve never felt more alone or single in my life. Thanks Ted!

This is so exactly it. People keep conflating abortion and choice, when we’re really talking about two different things.

I think that drills the question down way too far. The crux of that question is really “Do women have the right to bodily autonomy?” Unequivocally, the answer is yes.

“Make out. Make out. Make out.”


If NOTHING else, that is the one thing that I think will keep Trump and Co. in check from threatening the press or senators or what have you with frivolous lawsuits. Dirty little secrets come out to play in lawsuits.

Unrequited love is a bitch. Especially when it’s for someone who is a close friend.

I’m sorry he’s been doing this to you.

I made a Texas pecan sheetcake on Wednesday and ate the whole thing as of this afternoon.

Now playing

When I saw that guy this is literally all I could think of (wait for it, it’s so good):

doxxing myself a little but who cares - if you’re on Twitter I’m @jayne_tweets. If not, I’m on instagram @jaynetx. That way we can find each other!

Unfortunately I am a bit of an expert in this area.

UM HI LET’S DO THIS. I’ve met up with one Jezzie so far and I know there are a bunch in the DMV area!

I feel you so hard right now. It feels like a never-ending slog of fucking mixed signals and nonsense and second guessing and trying to navigate a million different things at once, it all just makes me want to lay down and take a damn nap and never date again.