
You’re asking nerds to be rational about a property from their childhood?

I think it is just the trailer using footage to connect viewers to those movies. Like a “previously on” after over a year long MCU theatrical hiatus. Natasha is most likely dead and gone, barring some Secret Wars super event down the road (at which point Stark and Cap and whoever could have a surprise reappearance), b

Unlike most reboots, I’m on board with this. Thundercats had a really amazing premise that has never really lived up to its potential (though the 2011 series might have gotten there if it lasted longer). If it's done well, this could be something more than the nostalgia fueled cash grab it seems like on the surface.

what you might do if you had the chance to turn the clock back and do things a little bit differently

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You can like these two even if you have issues with the show as a whole:

When your entire movie is just one giant blooper, the blooper reel should simply be called deleted scenes.

Release the Andrew Lloyd Webber cut!

The MCU films have two main qualities : they are entertaining an they are spectacularly forgettable, meaning that you can watch them for the very first time many times.

There is literally a zero percent chance of this being good. Joss Whedon is an ass, but he's a much better film maker in every respect than Snyder is.

Not that I’m a Whedon fanboy or anything, guy is probably a creep, but Age of Ultron was a lot better than any of the DC stuff and a lot better than some give it credit for. As for who fucked up JL... it’s pretty obvious that Zack Snyder can’t make a good film to save his life... soooo...

Age of Ultron really isn’t that bad - flawed, yes, but not bad - and the blame for its flaws is not entirely Whedon’s fault - there is a reason Feigue moved to get rid of Perlmutter and the story comittee after AoU.

Same. I have no problem with The Batch, but he’s overused.

I kind of hope he gets it but gets to use his Irish accent.

I thought it was pretty decent, but tastes vary.

Forgive my ignorance if this is insensitive in any way, but does the Matrix trilogy count?
It was before the Wachowski’s transitioned, and they had the benefits of male privilege going for them then. Lana didn’t officially transition until 2008, and lily was well after that.

>Grammys need to just say “Fuck it” and base noms/winners on sales.

I’m constantly amazed how the media reports China’s extremely low state reported covid numbers as fact.