
Seriously....what do you think women should do? Does being Muslim stop them listening to music, falling in love or living in the real world. They are just normal people, defined by more than just their faith.

Yes trauma affects us all differently. I grew up in a country torn apart by civil war, and I have seen death and destruction first hand. Living in fear was normal and just a way of life. We all carry trauma...but we can process it without choosing to be defined by it or clinging to a victim mentality. You can also

There are none so blind as those who will not see. But if you keep playing an eye for an eye, maybe the world really has gone blind.

Except Jews were originally displaced from the Holy Land by the Romans who expelled them from the region. The area was Christianized and everyone else kicked out. It was over 700 years later that the Islam as a religion even came into being. They then claimed the region as their Holy Land and did the same. Ultimately

Thank you for this article Ashley. I think last year has made people take a hard look at some of the things we have blindly supported/been led by mainstream media for so long. I think BLM has echoed in every corner of the globe in some form. It is amazing to see so much moral courage in the Western world as never

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the Eurovision movie. Partly because Edinburgh was so recognizable in several scenes, reminding me of a life before lockdown.

Least favourite Moulin Rouge song...discordant and noisy. Come What May on the other hand - hauntingly beautiful and the chemistry between Satine and Christian! Was cheated out of an Academy Award nomination in my book.

I feel so sorry for the Queen. How do you learn to live without someone after so long? What a love story they had, when you think of all the things they’ve seen and lived through.

Classy dame...I’d go out with her

Mr Perfectly Fine, How’s your heart after breaking mine.....I’m in love with all of it! And the rerecords - like watching love/life change from the blush of youthful innocence to a mature, bittersweet lament.

Poor dog - forced to deal with selfish pricks.

Class of 2001...ugh..officially depressed by how old I am!

Music: For whom the bell tolls - Bee Gees, Another cup of coffee - Mike and the Mechanics, Foolish Games - Jewel. Movies: The Fly, The Age of Innocence.

That’s rough...she was only 17. I am Asian, but I would not hold someone to account for their actions 10 years ago, especially when they were minor. What this highlights is that racism exists in all colours, not just white. And we are a long way from addressing racism within ethnic minorities. I think the world is now

Why does everything need a reboot...Oh Kevin, how I felt your pain. Hated Wayne! Always thought his dad was a big bully. Had a lot of irrational hate for Dan Lauria, which was further confirmed by the Smallville episode.

Clearly dude just can’t let it go. Assume actors from the highest grossing movies will be demanding to be nominated next. Wish I had a media platform where I could complain about all the injustice I’m suffering as a frontline worker.

The English Patient - when Almasy carries Katherine’s body out of the cave...We die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we’ve entered and swum up like rivers. I want all this marked on my body. I know you’ll come carry me out to the Palace of Winds. That’s what I’ve wanted: to walk in such

Wilde’s ‘The Nightingale and the Rose’ still gets me...I was 8 when I first read it and I couldn’t stop crying because I didn’t understand how the nightingale could just die for love and it was all in vain. I still don’t!

It’s one of my favourite movies - that suicide scene is just devastating! I rewatched it along with Patch Adams after Robin Williams’ death - sobbed my heart out and then some!