
Wait... What?

 So you guys are safe, is what you're saying?

Elizabeth Shue and Robin Wright getting shredded has been the hottest thing of the last few years.

when we were little kids, there was no concept of time. Do ya remember learning the analogue clock at school with the big hand and little hand? Only the rhythms of nature are built in to human biology, the rise and fall of the sun, the lunar cycles, the turn of seasons. Much of what is habituated is learned from an

Or why the Prince would just hand over all his loot. Kids don’t get this stuff, to them the bird is sweet and the statue is selfless. In reality, they gave away all their catch without teaching the townsfolk to fish for themselves.

I think part of the problem with being put on a pedestal is that you become the object

Beauty and the Beast gets me, although its the ending.  The lady who voiced Belle, Paige O'Hara, cried for real at the end during recording.  Enough to get the producers to ask of she's okay.  That comes in very clearly in the finished film, god the way she is just begging the Beast to be okay is rough.

I listened to Edeilweiss the day he died.  Bad choice, or maybe a good choice.  I never met him but it hurt all the same. 

“Both Sides Now” gets me too, when it shows up on screen. The Judy Collins cover on Mad Men, the Emma Thompson breakdown in Love Actually

With ya there about crying more during beautiful moments. And all the stars for Man from Snowy River. 

I’m not gonna lie, I loved the latest remake of A Star Is Born — but *** SPOILERS ***

Two factors:

Dead Poets Society. It came out when I was a hunior in high school, right in the middle of a poetic/tragic phase, and during the suicide scene, I sobbed. The second time I watched it, I started crying about half way through, knowing what was going to happen. The third time, I started crying during the opening credits,

The Karate Kid final shot broke me the first time I saw it. But on Rocky my pick is the famous running montage. That movie gets the epic out of the ugly and mundane like few others do.

“Missing” by EBTG is mine. And they were playing it so often. I always wondered, why do you drop this song in a dj set when it is so incredibly sad?

“I felt a great disturbance in the Internet, as if a million fan theories suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. Also, I just used ‘suddenly’ twice and that was sort of redundant.”

Yup. The $15 price point was always somewhat bizarre. I mean, I know HBO are, as say in Britain “up themselves”, and them overvaluing their offerings is nothing new, but it was dumb to go in that large. Netflix offers a much more broadly appealing selection and is less, as does Disney+.

Translation: “We forgot there are roughly 64,000 streaming services and ours is no more special than at least a few dozen of those so we have fallen well short of our subscription goal. Wonder Woman doesn’t seem to have done the trick so we need another way to get people to sign up. And we just gave Zack Snyder $71M

DEEP cut.

And you know it’s a negative because no one makes the punchline “you go through men faster than Leonardo DiCaprio goes through the newest models”.