
Oh dear God, just saw the post-surgery picture. He should sue!

You by-the-book, pencil pushing hospital administrators have no respect for this eccentric medical genius!

know nothing about this series but I too want to bone my shadow, so I’m in! sick trailer too!

I actually kind of dig it.

The reason I think X-Men and Spider Man get that shine was simply that they were PG-13 Titles that younger audiences could get into, Blade was rated R and was known by hard core comic collectors not the mainstream general audience. X-Men & Spider Man like Batman and Superman before them had the benefit of being part

Or No Way Home means the opposite. The Spider-Verse takes the cast from the MCU and puts them into the Venom-verse! We know Sony makes these films, they want Spider-Man for themselves, they have a universe without Spider-Man, now after this film they can have a universe with Spider-Man that everyone loves (Holland)

Neverending Story? Do you want us all crying and depressed? Because this is how you get us all crying and depressed!

This show was probably the best example of me being able to appreciate something despite knowing that I was not the target audience. It’s okay that it’s a lighter, goofier Batman. I’ve gotten more than plenty of *my* kind of Batman in my years, so it’s perfectly fair to have different kinds for people of different

Took Barry 7 years to use his powers to increase his brain eh?

Did i hear an orchestral remix of the 95 theme?

I love both the Paddington movies. Really wonderful films. Warm, funny, charming, sweet, smart... They’re so good! I was thrilled to see that a third is in development, but I don’t know. Without King? Maybe it will work, but my excitement is much diminished by that part of the news. 

The only good DC movie since the Nolan trilogy was Shazam! Fight me on that.

I’d argue that the first Ice Age was pretty good. It was heartfelt and balanced the zany elements with the serious one quite well.The sequels though? Yeah, no. Those just did whatever, ignoring basic facts about the world that the first one set up (like the fact that humans exist).

I don’t want a “fresh retelling” of this, what I want is a series commitment for an adaptation of the 16 or so core novels as well as the other various books in the Oz universe that Baum wrote.

Note the lip service is to China only. ‘cause China be loaded, and we can’t dissatisfy them!

Still looks like what I wanted Captain America 3 to be, so I’m here for it. Trailer song was a bit meh, and they keep doing Bucky dirty, but I’m excited.