
Yikes, those are some pretty big guns! Looks like something out of a movie. 

The English Patient - when Almasy carries Katherine’s body out of the cave...We die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we’ve entered and swum up like rivers. I want all this marked on my body. I know you’ll come carry me out to the Palace of Winds. That’s what I’ve wanted: to walk in such

Wilde’s ‘The Nightingale and the Rose’ still gets me...I was 8 when I first read it and I couldn’t stop crying because I didn’t understand how the nightingale could just die for love and it was all in vain. I still don’t!

It’s one of my favourite movies - that suicide scene is just devastating! I rewatched it along with Patch Adams after Robin Williams’ death - sobbed my heart out and then some!

Your number 3 made me remember how much I blubbered through Stepmom - it hit too close to home.

I cried through most of that movie (like proper ugly crying at the cinema!) - he was so depressed and unable to see how loved he was. Just heartbreaking!

Pretty Woman - when Edward says goodbye to Vivian, The Last Unicorn - once it’s clear there will be no happy ending, Stardust - when Yvaine thinks she’s been abandoned, Beauty and the Beast - when the villagers attack, most of Watership Down...

Aren’t you a charming paragon of virtue!

We can only tell our complete truths in an environment of psychological safety. I take your points and perhaps I was too quick to react based on my personal experiences - which is  a trap we are all at risk of. Thank you for putting it across so well, unlike some of the others.

Is it any surprise! I’m giving up my Sky subscription this month - moving to Virgin. When it comes to most things the UK is generally outdated! But we hide behind our traditions or some rot.

Hubris...it will destroy us all. What gives her the authority to tell people how to be allies? Is she trained in victim support? I believe in justice and consequences, but not the mob justice doled out on social media. Allegations need to be properly investigated and dealt with, there should be accountability and

Yes Sir, I can boogie..boogie-woogie

I really didn’t like the movie - saw it at the cinema and it was dull and generally lacklustre. Tried rewatching it years later and just couldn’t get into it. Not convinced that time travelling works all that well in the romance genre. Rose Leslie is gorgeous - let’s hope this version is an improvement.

An arrogant medic wrapped up in their own self importance...hope the patient’s ok!

I’ve not read it -but didn’t the book win a Pulitzer or something??

What a fucking uninformed idiot. Always amazed by how much she gets away with peddling that goop crap. Bet she’ll start selling her special brand of kombucha and kimchi now! And if the infra - red sauna turns your skin into a leather handbag - no doubt her snake oil will come to the rescue.

I assume there’ll be an outcry that an all Italian cast wasn’t used to voice the characters?

Really enjoyed this article. Thank you. I love a lot of his work - I think it goes to show that you can build characters and weave an intricate and powerful story - even if you as a person don’t necessarily believe in them. I think that is the strength of the storyteller - but it is no excuse not to be a decent human

Another one bites the dust me thinks

Death becomes her is hilarious. Given the wacky weirdness I always thought Tim Burton had directed it.