
Rewatched it recently. A wonderful movie - Holds up pretty well considering how old it is. Really hope Netflix doesn’t try to remake it.

Spider-Man: Rolling with the Homies

Slightly reminiscent of Gummi Bears meets Little Wizards.

Battling systemic vasculitis post - COVID! Rewatching Merlin & Greek- remembering happier, simpler times.

Exactly. She’s only 43, and writing women in their 40s into ‘mum’ roles perpetuates the ageist stereotype. I mean just look at Elizabeth Olsen  and Paul Bettany - despite the rhetoric, there hasn’t been enough change.

Is it adultery if they are only engaged?

The first two were such heart warming movies. So much charm and innocence.

Donkey from Shrek in a new movie - Donkey Terminator

I hate watched it..’ahem’. It wasn’t terrible. But most of the characters were just a little too pretty and perfect, even when attacked!

Simon Pegg is a very cool dude.

March: Snyder cut, April: Mortal Kombat, May: Street Fighter vs Tekken...

I’ve recently started rewatching The Storyteller. Can’t wait for this walk down memory lane. I grew up with the Kermit channel before Hallmark bought the channel out.

LOL! This is priceless...You’ve actually made me want to re-watch this ‘gem’.

I will always love the character of Angel in Buffyverse. Glad that David B turned out to be a pretty cool dude. Not commenting on the public domain doesn’t mean you don’t stand for anything. Not everyone uses social media platforms in the same way.

Certainly gives him a lower and more stable centre of gravity - if Godzilla took up sumo wrestling...

Don’t forget his cover of ‘Behind Blue eyes’...

That would be amazing!

I enjoyed the earlier Ice Age movies. But the rest of the Blue Sky movies were meh...surprised they survived this long. I agree, it is such a scary time for people to lose financial security. I really hope Disney isn’t laying people off.

Would be pretty cool if they did. The Starling/Lecter narrative has always reminded a little of Harley Quinn/Joker.

Play Welcome to the Black Parade and the emo look will be complete.