
Except it isn’t. This is very clearly based on Chinese culture given the aesthetics and subject matter. I am merely pointing out that there are so many other rich South East Asian or South Asian cultures they could have drawn from, it is disappointing that the continue to pick storylines that are likely to sell in

Good to know that Asia is made up of of East Asia and South East Asia only. So sick of this lip service to ‘Asia’ - Disney, you do know there are plenty of rich cultures to draw from, that aren’t communist controlling regimes!

Pretty sure he narrated Madeline the cartoon series - loved it as a kid. They are not long, the days of wine and roses...RIP.

Captain von Trapp is gorgeous...sigh. All good things come to an end. RIP...

Wicked is perfection - I may be biased because I saw it with my favourite ex! Real shame they waited this long to make it. Hoping they’ll use relative unknowns than some of the popular names. And please God, do not have James Corden in the cast.

Games without frontiers...wars without tears

Ah yes...our Nobel Peace prize winner who turned out to be murderous genocidal trash. Karma’s a bitch baby

The movies never quite captured the emotional depth of Gatsby’s love and loss...his dreams slipping through his fingers. Love is an act of courage, and sadly there are plenty of cowards in the world.

Sad but true...oh but if only one could...

I’m interested to see where Dust’s story goes - I imagine she will abandon the chains of traditionalism for liberalism...and undergo a metamorphosis like in Young X-men...LOL!

I am a huge Disney princess fan, but agree this is easily one of the best - always surprised me how underrated it was at the time. Up there with Atlantis and Tangled for me.

I love the cheesy nostalgia that Once Upon a Time brought...can’t wait to hear where they plan to go with the new series. There are still plenty of fairy tales Disney hasn’t touched...albeit a little more obscure.

Nothing beats a bit of nostalgia from time to time. Would love to see an HP series - a new generation of characters bringing the wizarding world to life. It’s a real shame Potterverse has become so mired in controversy.

The child in me is insanely excited! It probably will be terrible, but something that’s mostly devoid of politics and race will be so refreshing.

Diehard GG fan here...oh for simpler days again! Dean kissed you and you said thank you?

Will it feature his partner - is it a woman, is it a bat...it’s Wom-Bat.

Something so wonderfully nostalgic about Columbo and Murder She Wrote. Quality writing, especially Columbo...timeless.

Agree Arthur Christmas is one of the best. Underrated movies I love: Stardust, Jingle all the way, The Holiday, Edward Scissorhands, Little Women, Nightmare before Christmas, Stepmom.

If Manny (Ice Age) and Swamp Thing had a child...

Lol! Batman and Robin is still pretty shite. It would take a plague of wits...