Something so wonderfully nostalgic about Columbo and Murder She Wrote. Quality writing, especially Columbo...timeless.
Something so wonderfully nostalgic about Columbo and Murder She Wrote. Quality writing, especially Columbo...timeless.
My Prince Lir...that’s all I’ve got to say.
Love of my life, you’ve hurt me. You’ve broken my heart and now you leave me. The final nail in my coffin of went back to my old favourites to find meaning where there is none. Best re-reads: Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte, Watership Down - Richard Adams, Stardust - Neil Gaiman, The Last Unicorn - Peter S…
She’s gorgeous - but the girl can’t act!
This really made me laugh. I’ve never seen the Crown, but I really hope it portrays Thatcher for the piece she really was: The PM who opposed sanctions against South Africa’s apartheid regime, who was against migration from the Commonwealth and against immigrants having access to council housing over white migrants.…
I really like her and I don’t think she has been previously mired in controversy like many others. I hope she’ll learn from this and come back stronger. I think our inherent cultures are sometimes very strong, and there is a lot of mistrust when it comes to organizations like the law and healthcare among some ethnic…
Absolutely - if we stoop to China’s level, we are no better than them. It just seems bizarre that a movie (that isn’t racist - I am not Chinese, but I am an ethnic minority, so have an inkling of how racism can look/feel like) has caused this level of outcry and yet, the troubles with Hong Kong, the ethnic cleansing,…
But it isn’t racist. This is just being ridiculously blown out of proportion, which is a shame for the cast/crew involved, as the movies is now doomed. China is so fucking racist - why the hell are we still pandering to their shit. We all still remember John Boyega almost disappearing off The force awakens poster, the…
It’s not funny but it isn’t racist. This is just groupthink pandering to the corrupt Chinese government.
The world has gone mad. Hollywood is so far up China’s ass these days, I’m surprised they let this slip through.
So disappointed in her. Clearly the worldwide death rate means nothing to her. Some studies have shown ethnic minorities being at higher risk and we haven’t been able to fully explain the reasons here in the UK. Many of us have had to undergo different risk assessments at work as a result. Coming from her, as a Black…
I am so grateful I do not work in the service industry. I am amazed by how people handle morons like Debra with such patience. Roberts kept it professional - I’d have told Debra to go eff herself.
I snuck in a bottle of water and a donut to watch Doctor Strange. Was so stressed the whole time that I’d get thrown out! How lame am I! Never again!
The lady and gent doth protest too much, methinks. Boo hoo..sour grapes
I could fall in love with you...She still is one of the most breath taking women of her time.
Dowden’s worried about the damage a fictional portrayal of an obsolete monarchy which up until now has managed to control its scandals (and keep Andrew out of prison!), while happily living off the! Dude needs to worry about real problems like COVID, the economy on its knees and how the taxpayers will…
Sounds fantastic. The Native Americans called...encouraged by the American president’s magnanimity towards the Middle East, they want their country back.
Not a lot happening at Hogmanay this year - might help its flagging ratings...
He really did - so much sensitivity and poignancy in his scenes. Been years since I’ve watched Shakespeare in love - need to add to my rewatch list.
Brave is one of my favourite movies. Totally underrated.