
I really liked her when she first came out - as a dark girl myself I admired her easy confidence. I listened to some of her earlier music but lost all respect for her based on her image and skin bleaching. It is a little rich that she isn’t happy with her skin colour but is all about representation. I only know 2 good

Here’s hoping 2021 will see the representation of Native Americans and their untold stories. Haven’t seen enough advocacy for them, high time this changed!

Haha...yes I have. I’m a Madam/Miss kind Sir.

So what? Since when did mob justice get given rights to absolute morality


I read Lolita when I was 15 and was pretty taken aback. Once was enough! It read like what I imagined a porno would read (had never read one at this point to compare). I thought about it again when I realized Macron’s wife is a paedophile - but because she isn’t male, she got away with it...and he married her once he

A story so close to my heart. There are all kinds of love, but never the same love twice.’ And that is the ultimate tragedy - two people who love each other but can’t be together - and most of it due to their own folly and misunderstanding. Maybe Daisy wouldn’t have cared about Gatsby’s lack of wealth, maybe she

I thought the point of the filter was to make Chris H look better? He looks like he’s over done the steroids...Is this meant to be an attractive look? *confused*

Yes, Chris Pine is the best Chris...

I was obsessed with the books as a teen - would love to see a theatrical release of the trilogy - sadly I don’t see it happening in the UK anytime soon. I think it’s hard to compare the three movies - the third instalment really is nowhere near as bad as some of the the other famous trilogies - sure it’s no Return of

Scraping the barrel...Fowler there’s a hole at the bottom.

Yes, Cumberbatch as long as there are no penguins mentioned.

And that is why he had to cheat on her character in Love Actually :)

What’s wrong with Glasgow??

I am sure Boseman will win a posthumous Oscar and rightly so. But what’s the point of anything after death. It’s like telling someone you love them after they die - such a damn waste! 

The perfect mix of love, hope and comedy. One of the Disney top 10 for me. All at once, everything is different, now that I’ve found you....

It always reminds me how powerful hope and love is, even when it all seems futile. Just a truly beautiful scene.

Fairy Godmothers. Happily ever afters. Take on me by Aha...I can’t wait!

Was I the only one watching because Chris Pine is gorgeous and Gal Gadot is a stunningly beautiful woman? And the Wonder Woman outfit was perfect on her...Oh man, I am that shallow! *hangs head in shame*

It always reminds me of the bullshit double standards of the world. If this had been in a Muslim country there’d be outrage from everyone on anti-feminism and the oppressive backward nature of Islam and culture. The fact that the crown prince couldn’t marry a divorcee in England because the monarch is the Head of the