
Was really looking forward to this. But thanks for aligning yourself with human rights atrocities in Xinjiang Disney scum. Not sure how I feel about subscribing to your bullshit standards now.

Slightly indefensible but I enjoyed it and will watch S3. Yes, it was all over the place...and the writing could be better but..shrugs...

Why create fantasy monsters...there are plenty walking the earth masquerading as humans.

Was really looking forward to Black Widow. I’d pay good money to watch anything at the cinema this year, but that is not going to happen.

Sometimes people are fired. There isn’t always a personal agenda. Not every pity party needs to be plastered over social media. Shit happens. Move on.

Why does this genre still sell? The same basic stories over and over again...

Glad to see America finally catching up a little with the rest of the world where women have been prime ministers and presidents for the past 60 years.

LOL! Off to pluck mine. The weird looks and the screaming kids finally makes sense.

I read some of his books when I was very young. I preferred the Dragonlance chronicles (was obsessed with them) and the Legend trilogy. Hmm...might give them another whirl

I thought it was only white males who are automatically misunderstood and labelled as misogynistic racists for having any opinions. Looks like women are having a tough time too - these vulva people/womb havers - how dare they!

I am in no way condoning domestic abuse and I take great exception to your implication that I am! I feel sorry for him because human beings aren’t one dimensional muppets like the bloodthirsty sanctimonious SJWs suggest. The court of public opinion is just another form of mob justice. WB isn’t some warm, fuzzy, moral

Just googled TERF as had no clue what it meant!

I feel sorry for him. He hasn’t been convicted of a crime. WB have let him go to because of divided public opinion which will hurt their dollars - any pretence of morality is ludicrous. It’s a travesty if Amber Heard isn’t let go too. Off to dust off my HP collection for some weekend reading.

I have no interest in a female Bond. Representation is important but why not have new roles and new franchises. And leave the classics alone. Why are there very few Asian actors being given leading roles - why not make inclusivity more overarching...

I grew up with the Harry Potter books and then the movies. I love them and have fond memories associated with them. I don’t think I’ll ever be done with them. But the later movies in the Fantastic Beast franchise lack the same charm and magic (pun intended).

Hmm..why does Kid Quick look very like a Flash version of Quicksilver - a white male! I, keyboard warrior (is there a gender-neutral term) am off to complain to Screentime.

Same. Couldn’t figure out the near death by post-its.

I would go insane once I met my other self, be holed up in an asylum and pumped full of compound V. Would like to think I’d be a hero, but chances are I’ll become unhinged and turn into a supervillain!