
Why be selective in who we celebrate? I love the Beatles and Elvis - yes they appropriated a musical style - but they were amazing musicians and this was a past with different standards. Why not celebrate that? And why stop there...Why not make movies about the genocide of the Native Americans/Aboriginal Australians? O

Forgot about this brilliant piece. So this is what’s been happening during my illness. Tennis lessons my foot!

Yeah, surprised Stardust wasn’t mentioned. It’s right up there with Princess Bride for me. I love that movie and he was a brilliant villain.

Waiting on Trump’s bestseller - General Woundwort? BBH - bigoted butt hole?

LOL! Fisher, Bollywood is calling. They too are looking to diversify and stop whitewashing their dark Indian stars!

I’m surprised The Good Witch wasn’t included. She doesn’t have to choose between love and magic. I’m a romantic at heart and really enjoyed your opening paragraph on the magic of love.

Really love the outfit. Want that awesome jacket.

Was it really so bad and insensitive? Most people can’t even be bothered to learn how to pronounce ethnic names of people correctly - why are we surprised that they can’t get the food right. Isn’t the British take on Indian food technically cultural appropriation too - half the dishes on a takeaway menu here don’t

Easily frightened so these might be pretty tame by horror standards.

We apparently live in a world that prizes free speech above all - but in reality we play lip service to this ideology. I am a brown person and I have been subjected to institutional racism my whole life. People make assumptions and set limits to people of colour all the time - both knowingly and unknowingly. There are

The stoutest will, the canniest wit, the bravest heart. RIP!!

It is the year 2025. COVID 23 has annihilated KJ Apa’s budding career. After multiple near misses, Michael Bay has finally succumbed to the virus along with Donald Trump.

Hear, hear! Were the older shows optimistic or were we just different people - less damaged, less scarred, less cynical

The Witches creeped me out no end! And Watership Down was so violent - all that blood. Up until then, I thought all rabbits were like Thumper.

I was 6 when I watched the original Witches. I was terrified and disturbed for years. My irrational fear of rodents remains strong! Agree, the book ending was so sad. Just like the original little mermaid. Still a little upset with Disney for going with ‘happily ever after’, instead of the original mermaid ending.

Does everything need a reboot or a continuation? Are we at the point that there is so little original thought that the 80s and 90s have to be remade. And of course everything has to be ‘woke’. We rehashed ghostbusters, charmed and now this.

Batwoman - another great leap for womankind and objectification - and I’m not even a fucking feminist. Hoping for a brown Catwoman any day now - will quench the thirst of the SJWs.

Urgh! Bring on the plague and pestilence - oh wait...it’s already here.