Mish Mosh

It’s littering, and an animal will try to eat it and could suffer for it

It’s almost like no one actually likes the stuff

Which is dangerous

Found a pic of it:

I don’t think budweiser could get any more “flavor-free”

My brain immediately thought “Smiley french fries” when I searched that

I would rather die than own a transverse I8

I’ve been tested twice, and neither time had a wait

Buy the 4runner now, it’ll just get more valuable so when the refresh comes around you’ve got a solid trade in/sale

there’s 3 in my area alone and not a single one has a 350

Ah, of course, you’re a redditor.

Where are you living that 350zs are highschooler cars???

They look like something I’d pay $10 for at K-Mart”

Then I guess I won’t bother trying to find it lol

As a CT resident, what the fuck is “New Haven style Pizza”? There’s no way that’s actually an iconic food for this state

+1 from an auto driving offroad enthusiast (plus more from others, including the most built buggies, in my club)

nice b8


Okay smooth brain. As a guy with a lifted truck, these things don’t deserve love. If you throw low profile “muds” on anything you don’t deserve rights