Mish Mosh

I wish I hadn’t bought this game. Modern warfare too

Scribblenauts: Green Lantern

Massachusetts and CR-Vs are my go-to

To save even more time, you can just middle click on a link and it does the same thing

As long as you’re good paying the list price in gas every year, NP

The state of CT

Maybe it’s a “takes one to know one” situation

He’s trying to get out of owning a chrysler 200, I’d take any excuse I could too

Dirt cheap beater now, Ford Maverick when it comes out

Most of those crashes are people running red lights that are set to change to prevent them from hitting it. They get what they deserve

Easily the best looking truck (soon to be) on the market.

finally, THE ONLY REASONABLE TAKE on modern compact trucks

I always said I’d never buy a ford but... damn if I can still get what I speced when my Z is paid off, I think I know what I want to be towing it with

Since it’s built on the bronco sport platform, that’s not going to happen. Too much re-engineering would be needed

I used to think the bland kind of ugly from the early 2000s was the worst styling. This aggressive kind of ugly keeps proving me wrong

Wait, is that not an actual headline?

Ah yes, because galactic racism and forced internment of entire species was such a great thing!

Just in case anyone missed the allegory George Lucas was going for initially...

Good riddance

Good price once the windows are fixed