Mish Mosh

No worries man <3

It’s pretty obvious these are just trolls, not actual trump supporters

You get angry really easily

rip your engine. oil degradation is not a hoax from BIG OIL


Hi, that 3 month/3000 mile warning isn’t nonsense. Motor oil takes on moisture over time and that degrades it. If you don’t like your car, whatever, but if you want it to last you should do your oil. If it’s gonna be sitting a while throw in conventional

Boy it sure looks like a kyoger mixed with a first order storm trooper

It’s honestly probably the easiest solution. I’d guess they used an encoder to keep track of the position of the motor axle, for sending the shift info to the computer and then they just send it some code to fold it down.

I wouldn’t want to take even a grain of salt near that frame

Sorry you’re self worth is based entirely in your SUV

Yes how dare people do things on their own property, the absolute nerve!

Go fuck yourself

I get the feeling you’ve never actually been offroad

The downside to that is bottoming out and smashing your belly pan. When you inevitably do, you’re much more likely to make it home in an ICE than an EV.

He’s definitely doing some picking and choosing

Solid axles provide better articulation than any IFS setup; you’d be hard pressed to find any crawler without one live axle

I’m a UK, RR V8 shooting brake that’s fast and has shitty build quality. I’m an Aston Sportsman, with the engine wrong

Both, unfortunately

Gotta get ready for the zombies