Mish Mosh

I paid $3/gal for premium in CT. I’d say the reason you’re paying that is because CA can make you

A.K.A. your assumption has nothing to back it up

My cat has never been outside and I’d bet he’s more docile than the average outdoor cat

You sound like a trump supporter

Wisconsin has officially bumped the grand canyon off my cross country road trip target list.

Okay but why. How do you justify spending that much on a lense

Now playing

1:33, I didn’t know edmonton imported peugeot drivers

It’s almost like it’s not a work truck! Imagine that.

By the laws of this chart, Monsters Vs Aliens is a thought provoking movie (Class 7)

That sounds like heaven. Sauerkraut is hard to find in meals around CT outside of reubens

Pffft I can collapse within minutes

No worries, I’ve seen plenty of those comments, so it’s a fair assumption.

I live in CT, I get snow.

Maybe I’m just overestimating peoples’ understanding that it’s obvious enough that snow tires are needed for driving on the snow.

No shit the white mountains are gonna be snowy, and no shit you need snow tires if you’re in the mountains. That’s not the majority of roads though.

I don’t doubt that there are roads in these conditions, but it’s far from the average during the winter.

I’ll never understand why comparison videos are exclusively done on snow or ice. That will happen so rarely it’s not gonna change anyone’s mind. The comparison needs to be done on roads for it to have any effect.

How far do I have to travel to try that, because I really want to

It’s not got the Distribution center tinge though. Hard to explain but if you’ve been in one you know what I mean

I hadn’t known about the raptor wheels when I posted that, that being said, those wheels will probably then be reserved for the top spec Bronco Raptor