Mish Mosh

Baby bonco had it’s hood up, but obviously this was being worked on long before that got leaked. Maybe the hood gave too much of a bad reflection and gave it away?

Really looks like a render to me, the shading and angle seem off. It looks placed on top of the picture

About the same as a healthy adult dying from corona virus

I agree, though not to the extend that the Chrysler Concorde takes it

Then angle of the Bronco doesn’t seem to match the angle of the picture. I wouldn’t be surprised if the look is accurate, but I get a render feel from it

I’m sure it’s vastly better than the SUV average, but that’s still putting lipstick on a pig

Most cars are slow, what’s your point?

You’d be caught pretty quick if you had to turn

In other news, I just bought a lift kit for my XJ and I haven’t been this excited in years.

That’s called negligent discharge. He should have his permit revoked.

You’re more likely to die on your commute than you are to die of coronavirus. Chill out

You’re just being impatient. All that money will trickle down and make it to the rest of us!

They definitely look the best

It’s almost like he’d rather do stuff he enjoys

I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s for nothing...

Game Done Cwick

nice bait

I can get behind tan leather, especially in a volvo

I was saying leather does the searing, not cloth, sorry for the confusion. Non-black is definitely key, so it’s a shame most interiors are black.

I’m in new england too, and I’ve got a friend with leather seats. I do most of the driving for us in july.