Mish Mosh

Did he change his comment to the gif? I don’t understand

And I thought I was out of touch, holy shit

No need, there’s already a dick driving it.

How is this any different than how make-up is advertised to women?

WOW No way! Never would’ve guessed. But why would you resort to such a pathetic attempt at manipulation? Could it be because you had no real response, because you’re wrong, and are too much of a twat to admit it?

Translation: I’m wrong but I’m too much of a twat to admit it

Mmmm I don’t know about that one chief. They’re literally polar opposites. You can’t even say the bullshit “I’m a libertarian” ranters are in support of any authoritarian beliefs. So, which definition are you confused on? Libertarianism, the belief that government control should be as minimal as possible, or fascism,

So, if you can’t stop instantaneously when someone walks out directly in front of your car you shouldn’t be allowed to drive, got it

a 175# person can change direction a lot faster than a 4000# car. That being said, the person driving is responsible for avoiding collisions and the person walking is responsible for not putting themselves in positions to be collided with

How can that be the wet dream of two polar opposites?

alternatively, pritivize policing. Any cop that gives their employer a bad image would be on the street, so that would include dangerous, corrupt, racist, etc cops. Plus there’d probably be higher pay to incentivize higher quality employees.

By no means am I defending the cops in this specific situation (as said, there’s nobody that knows for sure what happened but it doesn’t look good), but in general cops are exposed to objectively more dangerous situations than the average person on a regular basis, so you can expect them to predict the worst case

Once, while eating a mostly-brown-on-the-outside-but-good-on-the-inside banana I got a hint of flavor that made me say “hey that kinda tasted like banana flavoring”. It was just a fleeting sensation, but it was identifiable as artificial banana tasting

Congratulations for being part of the problem. People don’t always need to choose sides. That’s how wars start


Ask for forgiveness, not for permission

That is one of the questions they answer on their site: It does

Take it back

I genuinely thought it was john wick and finding out that it’s “not” has seriously thrown me for a loop

Portal 2 Co-op but it’s zelda