Mish Mosh

Hey I said I’m hoping, not that I think it’ll actually happen. A little wishful thinking never hurt anybody.

Rise from the greys and speak the good word!

Now playing

“Thanos could well have rewritten the rules of reality themselves to function without the stones”

Considering libertarianism is about individual liberty, why wouldn’t a libertarian want the right to repair their own property?

Here’s hoping HOA’s die off with the last of the boomers

I yearn for the day I read the headline:
“Ridehail bubble bursts, Uber, Lift bankrupt”

“Zis ship make Lada look like Volvo”

Start up a weekly kumbaya session

Good luck keeping their votes from being bought out by the rest of the board. Every system is exploitable.

Oyster juice and shredded wheat

If it’s anything like where I worked retail, unless it’s an egregious value of product being stolen, it’s not worth the companies time to press charges.

“I’m just going to say it: We Asians have a fetish with eating things that are very fresh”

Honestly. Is it really so terrible to kill something before you start dismembering it?

Considering it would’ve been over embers and not a flame, the method should be fine. I’d be more concerned with burns on the hand.

Is this gonna be playable on the regular rift? I’d like to not have to buy another headset just to play this.

While you were building your bombs, I studied the blade.

Hey, if something doesn’t cost 10x more than it should, is it really military spending?


Odds are this guy isn’t even aware of the problems people linked to the OK symbol and just wanted the right to punch everyone watching from home.