Mish Mosh

Twas a joke my guy

If you don’t want me to bring my ham sandwich you shouldn’t have offered your car.

Not a ride hailing driver, but I think it’s safe to say:

Ikea debuts: “The ball”

Yeah, but at least fixing the jeep is enjoyable.

This is only an acceptable practice if you can visibly see that it has not been sneezed on. Unfortunately that requires either constant monitoring or super human vision, so unless you’re spying on your customers or have been eating nothing but carrots you’re entire life, throw the bread away.

Only a heathen would prepare a salad with anything but fine salad preparation gloves

Thank you, and I’m sure you’ll be enthralled to learn I’m gonna commission a trophy to remember this victory.

To everyone about to tell me San Jose isn’t SoCal, I have already been informed, and I apologize for my ignorance

This gets an all around “big yikes” from me

Why are they so quick to assume the coke came from people?

Then I suppose I won this debate and you have been deemed “the dick”


That’s not much of a rebuttal.

Can you jump it?

Fair enough

You’re clearly demonstrating and encouraging a bias towards the more complex recipe, thus telling people what they should or shouldn’t eat.

You made an entirely unnecessary comment. Anyone could look at the two recipes and realize the one with 4 ingredients won’t be as good. Also half of this sites articles are on fast food, so I’m pretty sure a good portion of the readers don’t really care about whether or not their dish is an “inferior” version.

“You clearly just want to be a dick about this”