Mish Mosh

“We’re not going to link to them here, because again, it’s not the sort of thing we want to be promoting”

“Semi-obvious cash grab. Just another way to stick it to poor people and minorities.”

Maybe it’s because the roof isn’t white

I really don’t know where you’d get that from, he never exclusively advocates higher education.

I never said to go to school. Yes, every apprentice gets paid hourly, usually around $15~17 or more depending on the area. Apprenticeships are entry level jobs, that anyone with a highschool diploma has access to. It costs nothing to the employee.

I did not know that. Thanks for informing me

Sucks for them, but nobodies forcing anyone to cook it. He said easy, not good

My friend and I decided to drive from CT to PA without using GPS or maps or anything. To prepare we bought a jug of Hawaiian punch and some wal mart brand apple jacks (?). It took us 6 hours and we ended up sleeping in parking lot in my car, so we relied on that terrible, chemically cereal for about a whole day. It


Yes, it would have.

Unless it’s being force fed to you, what do you care?

The objectively most valid food show

Thanks for a good laugh

The only non basic answer here comes (unsurprisingly) from David

Thank  you

Nobody has said that accept you. The only substantive thing said either by myself or elkris is that the majority of immigrants don’t have access to vaccinations, and that they, as all people in the US, should be vaccinated. You’d be a lot happier of a person if you didn’t look for problems where there are none.

If you completely ignore skilled labor and other high paying trades (that don’t require any college education), sure

There really aren’t. You don’t need much to get an apprenticeship and after that you can make really good money without ever going to college

You don’t need a tuition! College is worthless. Get an apprenticeship and learn a trade. You can make six figures without ever getting a degree. Plus, the job market for trades is currently very much in favor of the worker, offering plenty of jobs to choose from.