Mish Mosh

Trump and his believers have essentially formed their own party, separate from the republican party, but still vowing allegiance

Wow who knew technology could be flawed and not work perfectly???

That’s far to reasonable to be considered

If you do, can I have it?

Wood can’t rust, so I’d say probably not


400 existing sports”

I’d assume something along the lines of what happens in watch_dogs.

I’d rank it below most fish too. Asking for chicken is really just a plea for help

Well you know what they say about assumptions.

I’ve never voted, much less in protest (2020 will be the first year I can)

“The UK has no written constitution and doesn’t seem to have turned into a dystopian hellhole”

Then don’t use them?

In that case it just seems insincere

It seems to be a dominant gene, I’ve only got one Canadian parent and it’s affected me

As a (half) canadian, I reject this proposal and will continue apologizing when my coworkers almost run into me in the hallway (this is not an exaggeration)

I don’t think there’s anyone, pro-cop or not (I’m not talking about the people who defend cops no matter what, that’s stupid) that can see throwing a high school girl down a flight of stairs as justifiable in any sense.

Implying they are actually mad at each other and not just using this as a stunt to cling to relevancy

“I feel better and more energy”