Mish Mosh

S/N 12d5a481 and 12d8g389 are currently vaping in the bathroom

I had a stroke trying to read that. You should probably put the vape down and pay more attention in english

The epidemic is children getting addicted to nicotine in a more attractive package

“I’m not looking for other people’s opinion”

Way to jump the gun on that. I’d have said the same thing if you were republican. I’m anti-bipartisan politics, not anti-common sense.

Mash X to fight back the overwhelming flood of the voices of the deceased!

Or how about you vote inline with your beliefs? Voting because the DNC told you so is the death of democracy

Nah, you’re just toxic

I’ve got such high hopes for this. It’s respawn so the gameplay will be amazing, they’ve worked with lucasfilm so the universe should feel like what we’re all used to. The only fear I have is that it’ll end up being another single-player, open-world, collect-a-thon. I’ve got no grounds for that fear (other than the

As a fellow boring white guy, there are literally thousands of other games that can help you with that

It’s california. If you have to ask if something’s illegal, it’s probably safe to assume it is.

Street racing is to car culture what anti-vaxxers are to a population

The correct take

clutch in, shift twice

Honestly, middle schoolers should be banned from all public spaces

Should’ve pulled out an umbrella and Mary Poppinsed it

Same as what happened in F1, it’d be a race to come in last

Time trials are the only fair way to judge competing drivers, everything else is entertainment. You can’t have your cake and eat it too NASCAR


If Musk would just focus his ideas on spacex and let tesla off it’s leash, everything would be better