
This gave me a reason to like Chip Kelly.

Only in America... And various third world countries.

Eh, I'm sure when the big moment comes the Seahawks will probably pass.

...and it officially becomes this year’s Ice Bucket Challenge.

I haven’t spoken on this issue I guess I will now.

It’s absolutely ridiculous that nobody has called out Kaepernick on his false equivalencies towards the two major political candidates for president

Neil Everett chose the wrong day to show up baked at work.

In 1996, when Bill was President.

Not only does the title not have any connection to the post, this reads like a diary entry. Drivel.

The title should be:

If I want to stay up til three AM cleaning my kitchen, I will. If I want to leave dishes for a week, I will. If I want to hang up a hologram of ponies in my bathroom, I DID.


Counterpoint: ALWAYS move in with your significant other before any big events like marriage, children, etc. Get to know them and experience life with them CONSTANTLY before any getting into any big life events (marriage, children, whatever).

Very misleading headline. Completely agree with this statement. Seems as though the author is writing an article mostly defending their choice to live alone to a person who never really asked the question.

Kate, you can’t write a headline like that when I’m 10 days away from moving in with my significant other!

There’s about a 90% chance the very limited SO stuff was hastily added to get it approved by an editor.

The title of this had nothing to do with why “not to move in with your significant other”, rather was just you talking about moving into your own place. Congrats for getting a place, and being a planner and all, and well done putting yourself out there, but the title is very misleading and other than a 2 sentence,

If Puig keeps up this pace it shouldn’t be long before we see him in AA.

Holy shit, look at this pussification of football take after a pre-season game is cancelled from this motherfucker.