Bob Bowman, MLB’s president of business and media, claimed that the league had officially wiped out 60 million or so votes that it declared fraudulent.
Bob Bowman, MLB’s president of business and media, claimed that the league had officially wiped out 60 million or so votes that it declared fraudulent.
a 1st round pick is not a “kings ransom”, the Vikings gave theirs up for Bradford who also had just 2 years left and was due at least $22 million. Would have made sense for a team to give up a 1st for Jimmy.
Awful. Kids don’t even respect billionaires that paid their way into a job anymore. RIP America.
Fuck, that is sad. At least Ed can be with his dog
I use to watch Sportscenter for highlights, then it just became a one hour advertisement for popular new movies and sad stories about children dying of cancer.
You are a young leftist reporter. Your audience does not care about Peggy Noonan, why do you?
Aurora borealis, 21 hour days, an entire volcanic landscape. fuck off mate, Iceland is cool. Wyoming is probably cool too.
We get it: eat the rich. You got anything else?
Hamilton Nolan, Chief Navel-Gazing Reporter
Agree. They can get you almost any place you want to go in the country in under 5 hours. Can you not go 5 hours without eating?
Why did you write this?
She is right. Liberals that throw eggs, break windows, or call others dumb are driving people away. If you think liberals make decisions any less tribally then you are mistaken.
The expression is seen neither hide nor hair. I couldn’t get past that line so I can’t comment on the rest of the article.
5% of GS is $4 billion
Pedantic AF
If I was in 5th grade and my assignment was: “What would you do if you were mayor?” This is probably the best idea I would have come up with.
Laziness is clearly admired, how else do you explain the Braves getting $400 million from Cobb County to pay for their stadium
Work hard, ask taxpayers for $350 million to fund your private baseball stadium, stand in hallways to get around open-meetings laws, raise ticket prices