
Wow, do not agree with that response to LW1 at all.

Honestly, if I had clinical depression and had gained less than 4 stone from a starting point of “slim” and my partner was someone who only seemed concerned about how that body weight was making them want to fuck less and not about what the causes of depression might be (I don’t have trouble guessing what it is here)

It’s hard to feel good about yourself when the guy who you belong to could care less you are sitting beside him while he lusts after other women. Then he expects my panties to hit the floor when we are finally alone together? Go fuck yourself dude, literally, because I don’t want to.

Honestly? Dump him. It’s been 6 months. You’ve asked and he won’t stop gawking. He’s looking for his next sex partner in front of you. Drop him and delete his contact information.

She’s asked him repeatedly not to do this, yet he’s not only still doing it but openly drooling at barely legal girls right in front of her?

I think guy #2 is playing a little fast and loose with the term “girlfriend”. I do realize that a distance relationship (where you have never actually met in person) over 2+ years can still be valid, but I have to wonder if he was the only “Skype boyfriend” she had.

Did you read the study that you cite?

I think it’s absolutely essential to break the association between an orgasm and “successful” sex. Sex is good when the parties enjoy it, period. Sometimes you’ll come and she won’t, and that’s fine as long as you’re both contented. Sometimes she’ll come and you won’t, and that’s also fine. Sometimes neither of you

How about a different take on #2

“A woman I was interested in told me that she was the victim of revenge porn, so I went to find the videos of her so I could watch them myself behind her back and didn’t tell her about it.”


I would not want a reusable straw that has only gone through a commercial dishwasher. Those things are awesome for exterior dirt. But the gunk that can build up inside? Nope, barely touches it. I am fine with being handed a disposable straw if I ask for one (which I won’t) but I would rather it be made from paper or

The only problem with “folks” is that in real life it functions much better as a bullshit flag. When a politician or a news anchor starts using the word “folks,” you know they’re trying to sell you something. Brian Williams used to slip it regularly into the patronizing feel-good pieces that ended the NBC Evening

I also grew up on the west coast (lived in the LA area most of my life), and I’ve only ever heard “dudette” on TV. IME, “dude” is gender neutral.

Yeah, but that article will be coming next because dudes is also originally masculine. So we can’t say guys and before long, we won’t be able to say dudes either. I’m all for feminism and equality and what not, but I’m absolutely not about to be offended by being called “guy” when someone says “hey guys!” Just like I

“Hey, you guys fuckers want to go get some pizza?”

Folks is fucking awful, that’s for sure.

Yes, I’d rather use that then folks. What a horrible word folks is. I will never use folks unless I’m parodying Looney Tunes, “That’s all folks”. Or just do Oprah’s, “PEOPLE”.

This...is kind of a bummer. I really thought I was doing a very small thing to help out, and all this time I’ve been making their job more difficult...

I mean, I’m sympathetic to the fact that he was traumatized, but why did he ever pursue a relationship with someone who has dogs if he can’t stand to be around them? Its very odd to say “this is my dealbreaker, I can’t live with this” and then decide to marry the person.

The man just told you she has two dogs. I’m assuming she’s had them while they were courting and before the engagement. And now he’s being all “It’s me or the dogs and you’re crazy if you keep them.” on her.