
It’s not that he’s 27, it that he looks old as fuck. Kaitlyn Denver’s 24, and she’s positively baby-faced next to him. How anyone thought that doing... that to his hair would be a good idea is beyond me.

I don’t know, I watch a lot of shows and movies where people in their late 20’s are playing teenagers and even from the trailer something about Platt here felt extra off? I think the deliberate attempts to make him look younger ended up making him look older than he actually is in a way that just leaving it alone

If he doesn’t shout OUTRAGEOUS! then this was all for naught.

John DiMaggio will forever be the best voice of an animated Aquaman.

All reviews carry bias. And?

Yeah. Also, fuck TERFs. 

How can you make an entire book on cartoon censorship and not discuss Queer creators? Are you kidding me? Sounds like a tome for white male grievances. The fact that they’re platforming TERFs says enough.

With an all-star supporting cast: Sleve McDichael, Todd Bonzalez, Jeromy Gride, and Bobson Dugnutt!

Needs more Breighleigh and Breighdinnn.


What, did Ron Jeremy have a scheduling conflict?

That’ll be District 7, because 7 ate 9.

Thankyou for your service.

Yeah we’re done here

Shut down the thread.

So that’s why he’s called Winnie the Pooh.

When did Hollywood decide that adding or subtracting a “The” was sufficient to distinguish between movies, even if they came out only a few years apart and feature overlap in casts? Anyway, I hope you all buy the debut album from my band, Beatles.

Your uppance will come, A.A. Dowd.

unless it’s ‘crying when the sun comes up and hits them in the face’, I honestly can’t see how. it’s not like babies can even focus properly for a while, never mind this thing called ‘communicate with words’

It kinda annoys me that Gone With the Wind is still the highest-grossing movie of all time (after inflation), to say nothing of its status as a classic Hollywood film.