
Does he know the meaning of the word “respect”?

Zach’s apathy at Nora’s death makes him look even more like a sociopath. Nora who, mind you, was taking care of Zach for a while. It really just comes down to everything else on this show: HOW DUMB IS EVERYONE?

I must be cruel because reading Rob’s recaps of these show is a highlight of the week for me. Don’t leave me, Rob!

Tom Nook? Naw, the true monster of AC has always been... Crazy Redd.

To an extent, yeah. Though there is the occasional episode or scene that I like.

Somehow, I didn’t think this show would be good from thing one with the pilot. I had a bad feeling about it. Now, I just watch it to criticize how the show is propelled by the characters’ stupidity. It is so annoying. How does this have such positive ratings on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes?!