Misanthrope Mime

Oof. What a well-written and well-performed sketch...until Pete Davidson shows up. Tanks the whole thing. His lackadaisical shtick was never funny to begin with and the joke of the bit shouldn’t be his half-hearted approach to it. Ugh, why is he still on this show?

It’s fairly obvious to me that he picks Rachael (yuck). Question is, does he stay with her despite her being, at best, a casual racist and having Trump supporting parents?

I will never buy at a dealer ever again (so I guess that leaves me with Tesla? or Carvana if I go the Used Car route...).

Salesman refused to give me my new car’s keys unless I sat there, typed out a positive review for him and the dealer, and he looked it over.

Not as egregious as what others have experienced,

We need to use this video as a recruitment tool to get right wing nutters obsessed with their guns.

“Looky here! THIS is a waaaay bigger and better way to compensate for your micro penis!”

Trump cancelling his election night party has shades of HRC cancelling her party immediately after Comey’s letter.

Don’t these leach BPA into food, or whatever’s contained in them?

I will always prefer glass containers.

If Fraternities/Sororities are tired of being misrepresented in this way, then they need to stop accepting racists.

All we know about Greek life, the bond these pledges form, the deep connections borne of, well frankly, trauma, the fact that they know everything there is to know about their pledges and vice versa, and

Remembering when Bernie accepted endorsements from Joe Rogan and Cenk Uygur and Bernie’s cult told us to accept it.

Wait, uhm, did Speed *kill* those other 2 drivers at the end there??

Good idea to have someone who’s clearly never seen the show (no idea what Button A is used for on the show) write this “article.”

Oh, now there’s a show that I’d watch. A “lower decks” version of every single TNG episode!

That’s too bold or brave a concept for the idiots at the helm of nuTrek, sadly.

All boy high school bullies and burn-outs become cops, all girl high school bullies and burn-outs become nurses.

Most ironic thing about that photo (and telling thin about how fucked our police is)?


Um, that’s a 100% inaccurate description of Elliot Stabler.

The lyrics in the song are not said with a hard r which is what she said. She even hesitates to say it...then says it anyway.

Honestly, I’m not that upset about it coming out of her mouth. I am willing to be forgiving of her being caught up in the moment to say it (though, like I said, she hesitates to even say it,

Obviously we take Biden’s word for it.

Maybe Bernie supporters should pursue Trump’s 22 actually credible allegations instead of spreading smears about Biden with the same fervor.

Of course, that would go against the nominee they’re actively working to help: Trump.

Look, Bernie lost the primary. Twice. By wide margins. Get over it. 

Bernie’s repugnant, loser flunkies pushed this story out by exploiting this woman and weaponizing our morality and the MeToo movement against us just so they could keep their jobs a little longer (because, who else will hire those toxic sacks of shit?) and milk some more donations for a dead-end campaign.

So jsut for

The family should sue the pants off the hospitals.

Every single doctor or nurse who dealt with her and denied her care should lose their license/accreditation and never be allowed anywhere near a healthcare industry job ever again.

They should then be charged criminally.