This...actually looks good.
This...actually looks good.
If only there was someone Bernie Bros could listen to that could tell them to knock it off. If only there was someone who, oh, I dunno, was their eponymous leader, that could convince them with more then some perfunctory, bare-minimum slap on the wrist that could show them and prove to them how they’re failing…
Good riddance.
Now we get to see him repeat what he did in 2016: keep his toxic base frothing at the mouth, railing at a wrong, and false, threat and helping Trump win re-election.
History should not be kind to this guy who twice prevented us from getting the first woman POTUS (and two of the most capable and qualified…
And bernie wants you to forget he supported the NRA, was against the Brady Bill, voted for every other armed conflict, supported “immigrants take our jobs” sentiment, wrote a rape fantasy essay.
The show continually relies heavily on alluding to and bringing back characters from TNG, so obviously we’re going to draw parallels between tng and this show. You can’t have it both ways. Either this is a departure from what we’ve known or it’s a continuation thereof. They are presenting it as the latter, and…
I can’t even comprehend it’s narrative structure. It’s like a series of emotionally overwrought shorts haphazardly strung together. It’s nonsensical half the time.
Thanks for responding. I have a ...different... take on it, but, like I said, I’m not here to troll you!
Either way, you’re in luck. It’s been renewed for season 2. Enjoy!
Did you like TNG? As an adult? What is it about this show, relative to TNG, that you enjoy?
Did you like TNG? As an adult? What is it about this show, relative to TNG, that you enjoy?
I’m genuinely asking - not trying to be a jerk/troll. I do not get the appeal of this show at all as a pretty hardcore fan of TNG (and Star Trek in general - minus nuTrek), so I’m sincerely curious what so many find good about…
This would have been amazing.
I’ve wholesale given up on this show (as I commented on last week’s episode) and have found The Expanse to be a much better TV show to fill my current binging needs.
I don’t get it. I just don’t get it. This episode had the same bad dialogue, plot-holes, lazy writing, over-sentimentality that’s never earned, and extreme pandering (especially this episode, obviously) that’s plagued every episode before it.
I’ve given up on this show. If ya’ll think this is the BEST it’s been, then…
There’s a great app called Finimize that has helped me figure out investing tremendously. Highly recommend it!
Speak for yourself. Bernie and Trump supporters are the most low-information voters. Voters for Warren, and other voters like me, give a damn about detailed plans. Just because you don’t, doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t. Try thinking outside yourself (though, I guess, if you’re a low-information voter to begin with,…
She never left. You just started paying attention.
The part where they are rich because they take a cut of your taxes is what would irk me.
Or her greatest weakness is that she’s a woman. Bernie himself said being a woman is a “negative.”
When she had Comey’s surprise conference, Russia’s meddling, decades of GOP misinformation, a low information voter base misinformed by Russia, Bernie, and Stein, and all three in conjunction, it’s clear why she would…
He did jack shit for HRC. He gave his own stump speech here and there then scuttled back to VT and peddled his own book.
1 in 4 Bernie voters either voted for Trump, Stein, or just straight up sat out.
And for those of Hillary supporters who voted McCain, at an albeit lower rate, let’s consider the context. To go from…
Oh, please. Just last week Bernie Bros were throwing fits and tantrums saying Warren was a lying hack, as snake, etc.
Now someone says something *factually* accurate about their Cult Leader and all of a sudden we should all play nice? Get the f*ck outta here.
Bernie and his rabid cult could have simply said that. “Bernie was merely referring to the sexism that exists in the country.”
Instead they chose, “She’s lying.”
Bernie and his cult can’t help but be sexist. How many more times do they have to prove it to us before we believe them?