Misanthrope Mime

Every single nurse and/or whatever health care professional who ignored her or delayed her or had *any* interaction with her should be fired (obviously) and lose their license/certification. Bonus would be to charge them criminally.

Ah, Mission Hill! One of the most criminally underrated shows of all time!

Good. I hope she primaries AOC.

Three white dudes? Such a missed opportunity to have people of color portray one of the Jesus’.

If a woman had lost the Democrat primary in 2016 by 4 million votes the same brogressives would be calling her a proven loser and saying she’s an egomaniac wasting everyone’s time.

That’s not some “Bernie would’ve won”-esque hypothetical, either. Just look at the reaction each time it’s been rumored HRC would run in

Uh...can people not star up a review that has blatant racism in it?

The fact that you would elevate Gabbad and Yang to the same league as Warren and Sanders just highlights wha an absolute dipshit moron you are.

I’m completely not surprised Bernard would endorse misogynist trash like this. I’m even less surprised he pulled aI’m sorry I got caught” defense.

This is beyond “cancelling” someone. He committed sexual assault. He is a criminal.

He needs to be criminally charged, stripped of whatever standing he has in his community, and shunned to oblivion. Fuck him and the scum like him. Enough is enough. He is a sex offender and we have no place in society for him and his ilk.

You do know that this is an episodic comedy, right? Not a drama like, say, This Is Us or Grey’s Anatomy?

ha ha ha making fun of nerds is o original and edgy. I especially love bashing a skill and talent heretofore unknown to me because it’s not mainstream and therefore SO WEIRD! Different things, things outside my worldview are strange and should be made fun of!!!

AOC and Omar have consigned themselves to the fringe of the party. AOC has revealed herself to be susceptible to politicking and nepotism. All this will do is keep Bernard’s campaign lingering on a little longer, enough to fully sow division for the front-runner and create an even more toxic cult, I mean, supporter

Q. How to Get Away with Murder

The Venn diagram of white women who voted for Trump and who watch Ellen is just one big circle.

Yeesh, Conan was terrible in this sketch. This Nick guy though, was hilarious.

The whole time I was waiting for thetriumphant return of Masturbating Bear. At any moment.

Alas. Conan has grown up. His fans, like myself, have obviously not.

Error: Kirsten Gillibrand is no longer a presidential candidate, she suspended her campaign on 8/28.

Eh. YouTubers will never make it to mainstream media (for better or worse).

Only reason he's running is because Beau told him to before he (tragically) died.