Misanthrope Mime

Actually, it’d be more akin to me saying melanin is a thing that’s real. And then saying at least every african american has it. And then you saying no, that can’t be true because you can’t handle being told you’re a shit person with shit beliefs.

Im sorry, if you can’t bridge the link to there being 1 in 5 sexual assaults on campus, and possibly way more, that then by the sheer number of assaults happening some of them have to be taking place at frats and by pro-athleyes (who have a public image of not being so well behaved) then you’re clearly arguing in bad

hahahaha “bro”

Me: here’s a thing...

I literally linked to sources to back up what I said. Which was easy to do because what I said was informed by the studies and research I linked to.

Yes because it points out something that you tried to gloss over, which is the truth of your nature. Yes because see above. Yes because shitheels like you need to be confronted and shown to be the shitheel that you are so we can live in a world without shitheels. Yes because you're commenting about it and it obviously

Did you not read what I wrote? Did you not see any of the women in your social media sphere #metoo? The sheer ubiquity of women assaulted plus the fact that pro-athletes are treated as gods and protected at all costs (literally and figuratively) lends itself to there very much being a rapist on every team. It’s sheer

No, it's deep seated misogyny cultivated by a patriarchal society that has forced toxic masculinity as the norm.

I’m not a gamer. I don’t even drink.

I don’t think he can ever atone because in a way, he did already atone by serving his sentence. I think the disgust that you and I feel is stemming from society lauding him and forgetting he is a convicted rapist and not engaging him accordingly.

His lack of humility and anger at it being brought up shows that he is

Maybe we should focus our vitriol and fury at Republicans who would refuse to oust Trump in the Senate instead of allies like Democrats?

To be clear: I am not disagreeing with your assessment that basic white privilege is the cause of apathy with regards to Trump’s very clear criminality.

Also, this is as hot a take as

They were all in love. They were doing it in Texas.

Mike Tyson’s current day image astounds me. I often think I’m experiencing the Mandela Effect whenever I see him. He went to JAIL for RAPE. I’m not the only one who remembers this, right?!

And, look. I believe in rehabilitation and serving one’s punishment and allowing someone to move on from it (once they’ve “paid

We don’t, though. I mean, there’s literally a known rapist on the Supreme Court.

Talk-backs after theatrical performances are, for the most part, amazing and enlightening. You get the occasional, “I’m not a racist/misogynist/xyz, but...” sure. But the positive questions and genuine interaction and exchange is well worth it.

However, I’ve started developing a fantasy that I’m at a talk-back I get a

Agree with all except:

You can’t just leave that there. A FULL explanation with context is needed. Thank you in advance.

Watch any movie ever that has a solitary, seemingly random, sex scene that your parents walk in on every single time and then talk.

Case in point: I was watching Blade Runner for the first time in my parents basement (sweet home theater setup) and my mom managed to walk in just when Harrison Ford sexually assaults-but-i

I read on twitter* that Harrison Ford may actually have been referring to Chris Pine seeing as how, Pine, having played a younger Jack Ryan, was going after iconic characters Ford has played.