Misanthrope Mime

...Why don;t they just make straight-up animated movies at this point?

I think there’ll come a day where we’ll find out that Will Ferrell maybe isn’t (wasn’t) so much a nice guy either.

In college my go-to joke about getting a tattoo for myself was that I wanted a full back tattoo that was a dragon emerging from a vagina.

This shows that we are living in a time now that goes beyond parody.

I heard Kevin as more just being scared for his mother (or partner, whatever their relation is). We all know how violently and excessively cops handle African Americans who have the audacity to ...*checks notes*... breathe in their presence.

“Where did Arya come from? Why did she wait until after Theon’s death?”

Where: genuine plot hole, as far as I can see, on the face of it. But that’s the whole faceless assassin schtick/magic, right? She can put on other people’s faces and she can be more silent than a drop of blood and can super-stealth her way to

Because he’s a proven loser: he lost the 2016 primary by 4 million votes.

She is the only candidate that has a real, actual shot at the DNC nomination that comes close, if not fully embodies, the ideals they claim to love Bernie for. Except, her ideals are translated to actual policy.

She’s Bernie, but with substance,

This is why I like Warren. She is as progressive as Bernie, but actually has concrete plans on how to accomplish those progressives ideals we need and want so badly- thus making them policy and not just pie-in-the-sky-pandering.

That was my deciding factor in supporting Hillary, over Bernie, as well.

Hey, c’mon, don’t say they sound like assholes. That’s not fair.

They ARE assholes.

There’s now literally no reason for Bernie supporters to not jump ship to Warren, an actual, viable candidate for the DNC.

Unless, of course, they were sexist dipshits all along.

Thoughts & Prayers

Maybe you could ask these design experts what Elizabeth Warren’s policy positions are?

Y’know, an article on the policies of Warre, someone who actually has them, would probably have been a better idea.

Here’s the CliffNotes of Game of Thrones for Minorities:
Yes. It’s racist. Yes, wypipo are so ingrained in racist cultural representations that they don’t see it as such.

I love that Disco is doing this. I think they’re hampered by lazy writing and cheap direction, almost all the time, but they are making an effort and that, as a person of color, matters a lot, let me tell you.

I don’t say any of what I said in disparagement of Kate McKinnon. On the contrary.

Sorry, the BSG piece is way off. It makes total sense that they would transition the story to a more faith-based one. I mean, isn’t that how real life is? Look at our current political crisis. How much of it is faith-based? The show covered so much of what drives our daily lives: politics and religion.

And I must

Why is Kate McKinnon not a bigger star? Like, she should be surpassing Will Ferrell’s legacy at this point.

More importantly, why is she wasting her time on SNL anymore?

Kate, if you’re reading this: blink once if Lorne Michaels is holding you hostage. Blink twice if Hollywood is sexist trash towards comedians who are

Why are these two homophobes still getting any traction?

(No suprise, it’s Jimmy Fallon. Did he tousle their hair during the interview, as well?)

I would love, love, LOVE, for Texas, or Florida, or some yahoos in California to secede and form their own conservative “country.” The fact that it would devolve into utter chaos, violence, and general self-destruction from the rampant poverty and crime would do so well to sober up some conservatives and remind them th

Such whiny snowflakes these Republicans be.