Anyone else hearing the “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” tune in the music for this song??
Anyone else hearing the “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” tune in the music for this song??
So fascinating to hear the inner monologue of an actor. I personally thought he gave one of the best performances.
Incredibly, one of the things I loved about his portrayal of Stannis, was an everpresent and underlying sense of bewilderment, of being in way over his head and barely being able to keep his head above…
When teachers commit sexual abuse they get twice the sentencing as would a non-teacher sex-offender. The reasoning there is that these teachers are given a position of trust and responsibility. And that trust and responsibility presides over the most vulnerable in our communities. Therefore, any violation needs added…
The craziest, and perhaps most flagrantly obvious tell, about these idiots is that they ignore actual, literal conspiracies.
Cindy Yang at Mar-a-Lago, Kushner and the Saudis, Trump and Russia, Kavanaugh’s debt and Justice Kennedy and his son.
I love John Oliver and what his team bring to bear weekly. However... the one-on-one interviews need to get nixed.
It seems they serve more as ways for John to apologize for and scrub his conscious of his own guilt than explore any new insight. Cases in point: The Monica Lewinsky and Anita Hill interviews.
Simple. If a cop’s body camera happens to “malfunction” or be turned off during an incident like this, the presumption of guilt should automatically be the cop’s.
If you’re innocent, you got nothing to hide, right?
Let’s say SHE was going 94mph in a Corvette and slammed into this Police Officer, resulting in HIS child’s death.
Vintage Conan is the best. There’s a treasure trove of segments/sketches online. Two content providers are, in particular, a veritable repository of Vintage Conan (I hesitate to mention them and their platform for fear of NBC going after them).
Wats up with the camo paint jobs on these prototypes? Is it to obscure photographs from picking up styling?
Uhm... Can Dan Reed, et al, do a doc on Trump next?
It was a hoax perpetrated by those damn kids hangin’ around in the hall ...
Just a heads up, I found a typo in the headline...
When the GOP dissolves.
Obviously, the death of anyone is a sad, tragic event. Suicide even more painful. Sympathies to him, his friends/colleagues, and famil.
But, all these comedians sharing his stories, espousing his brilliance, shouting his name from rooftops in an attempt to immortalize him - seems hollow to me.
Because they never did…
I’ll just wait over here for the pro-life crowd to ask for ICE’s head for this...
*Sun goes Red Giant, destroying earth; universe ends of heat-death*
These cops obviously crossed the line. Suspension is very appropriate here. It’s not like they misfiled some paperwork, murdered an unarmed African American, or had a stain on their uniforms. No, this is a serious dereliction of duty warranting severe reprimand.
Mac and Dennis getting a house in the 'burbs has to my favorite. I think season 7 or 8 was my least favorite (can't remember which one).
Some of the best, most mind blowing sex I’ve ever had was literally just missionary - that’s all we ever did. It was extremely sensual and loving.
Hahaha any time someone offers their personal critique of an episode they should also list their most favorite episode and most hated episode so we can calibrate how to take in the critique!
You must’ve *hated* the first season.