
Rule #1. Nothing is ever like how Trump describes it.

I don’t know. I’m just annoyed. I’m sure anyone who believes they are making wholesome content is fine by me. 

no. he “literally” does not think that. he’s just a jackass.

The victim in that case is female. That's how. 

Every time I see one of these, I think of the woman in Texas who was sentenced to 5 years in prison for voting when she didn’t realize she was not allowed to.

You have to be particularly inept at your job as a prosecutor to think you can’t successfully prosecute a rape case where a child was kidnapped by a stranger, kept in a dog cage and raped repeatedly over the course of a year.

This guy: “He just kept a mentally-ill human in a cage and tortured them for a year, I’m sure he doesn’t pose a threat to society, let’s let him go”

I am fast coming to the conclusion that it’s not just that women are disregarded and disrespected, I think we are actively hated and this reveals itself through the legal system over and over. 

I can’t even read this article. Nothing will surprise me. The total disregard for women's suffering is nothing new, sadly. I’ve been consumed by true crime podcasts lately, because my job allows me to listen to things while I carry out menial tasks. My overarching takeaway is that people ignore their gut far to often,

So she was killed by medical professionals not taking her complaints seriously and doing proper testing to find her condition, not a fight. AVM is something that can be diagnosed by medical imaging and often can be treated. It wasn’t necessarily “a matter of time.” My heart goes out to the family, I can’t even

You took an awful lot of words to say “I’m not an engineer and this doesn’t fascinate me, so we shouldn’t spend time one this”

P.S. If you are in an engineering field, kindly stop. Brute force is not how humans became the top of the food chain and it certainly won’t be the basis for us to continue to progress.

I recall an excellent oped written by a former cop which can be summed up as: in any given PD, about 15% of the cops are good cops who will always do the right thing, 15% are bad cops who will do whatever they want, and 70% will go along with whoever they’re with.  The deciding factor in whether this is a bad PD or a

This is so excellently written, Michael, as always.

I have to admit I’m a little terrified that a #notallwhitepeople hashtag has gained sentience and is writing e-mails now. If a #notallmen hashtag joins it we may all be doomed.

Eddington says he walked around to the front of the house and discovered police with their guns drawn.

🎶 You got a phone.

Nah, man. When Hacksaw Jim Duggan started that chant while squaring off against Nikolai Volkov, you chanted, too.

Are you suggesting that if someone made you uncomfortable and felt threatened you wouldn't follow them into an elevator????

No. The fact that he spent 453 days in jail is another example of white privilege. After claiming self defense he should have been given a court date and gone home like GZ.

This has almost never been my experience and so I make it a policy to yield to anything moving faster than me.