
That’s not my experience, as a Blue Apron customer for many years. Most of the meals seem to require only one pan, or at most two. There’s some prep placement that makes the cooking part go more smoothly (like, putting some of the cut vegetables in a bowl while you’re cooking others) but that seems like more of a

Fondling a woman’s breasts when she is still alive doesn’t seem to be an offense that lands anyone in real trouble, so it’s difficult to believe there is any chance someone would prosecute this jerk for doing it to a dead person.

I’d like to share this comment along with his link, on my Facebook page, if you would permit me to? It is such a contrast. If you’re okay with that I will give credit to you or not, whichever you prefer. 

And then a few years from now, people will be asking, “Why did that kid run from the police, if he was innocent? If he would gave just trusted the system he wouldn’t have gotten shot.”

Which...may be exactly the problem. 

He didn’t spend time behind bars because he was guilty, he was awaiting trial. He was an innocent person stuck in jail. That’s not the way the law is supposed to work.

It sounds like you’ve already got a pretty decent handle on this, and going to therapy seems reasonable. But if you would like to read a book that might also give you a new perspective, this is a great one. It’s called, “You’re Wearing That? Mothers and Daughters in Conversation,” by Deborah Tannen. 

Same. I keep reminding myself about jokes like, “How do you know a vegan is in the room? Because she will tell you,” and I bite my tongue as long as I can. 

That is so infuriating - both the fact that current research shows that isn’t really accurate, and the condescending attitude.

There is also an iPhone app called Official Black Wall Street that will let you know when you’re near a black-owned business, or let you search.

Where did they say “all”? Step down. You are being intentionally obtuse.

Something that works for me to slow things down is to try to have new adventures. If I do new things that I haven’t done before, or go places I haven’t seen, especially if I do it over a weekend, it seems to last much longer.

I set my phone to Do Not Disturb automatically from 10 pm - 7 amand it doesn’t keep the Sleep Cycle alarm from sounding. I imagine it would allow other alarm apps, too.

"Save As" .pps will make it open right in the slide show view, when you are sending it to people who you only want to view the slides.

I read something like this this a few years ago, and it is oddly satisfying to put into use. I haven't done it to knock down rates, but I have used it with someone I strongly disagreed with at work. The article I read made me realize I was putting myself in a weak position by constantly arguing my point so I stopped!

No kidding. I had been dealing with symptoms like these for two weekdays but I just wasn't sure, you know? Finally at 10 pm one night - afraid my teen daughter would wake up to find I'd died in my sleep! - I drove myself to the ER. They kept me overnight because they weren't sure, either.

I think it's helpful to indicate at the beginning that you have somewhere else to be after - you know, plan to meet someone for coffee, and then be meeting a friend for lunch, so after an hour you can honestly say "okay, gotta go!" If it isn't going well you have an out, if it is going well you will be able to see

Nearly everyone I know IRL or have met online has said they signed up on their own, so that last paragraph is your experience but not mine, at all.

Brilliant! Being able to keep trouble in perspective or even see the positives in a situation is definitely something I have taught my daughter, as well. I have seen it pay off time and again. She has room to be sad but after a moment, she is the one who starts pointing out why a situation that seemed like a bad thing