
Congrats on such awesome progress! I broke into the 160s this week, some I never thought I would see the scale say again. Keeping it off is definitely going to be the hardest part. Do you have any other things you plan on doing to help you maintain?


Can you have a one on one with the union rep? The idea that “she just wants to be your friend” and the rep is eating it up is fucking insane. You can’t force people to be friends. I would request that she document cases of actual rudeness, not you just being polite but disinterested, or ways you are actively halting

Do you like memoirs? My most recent Goodreads that are nonfiction are all self help and memoirs and thus far, none of the self help books have been very good, with the exception of The Dance of Anger (which was recommended to me here by Oldwomanyellsatclods!)

16/10, good rug hug Bruce!

Bruce belly!

I’m so sorry for your loss Nico.

Yes, please do!

One down. Many, many more to go.

Obviously in the song, Taylor is rejoicing in escaping the tyranny of HOAs. 

As someone whose father didn’t wear a ring due to his job and was subsequently regularly hit on in front of me because thirsty ass women would see him out with me and would think “No ring, great with daughter! Step-dad material!”, and personally, would rather cut off my hand then have to put up with nasty feeling of

Is Björk really into birds? Is that like her "thing"?

The Seattle housing crisis would like a word...

An hour to Costco is a pro??? And here I am getting crabby if I get stuck in the afternoon commute trying to get home. Which probably delays me 10 minutes, max. 

There's so much wine shit in general right now, it makes me vaguely concerned. Lol, alcoholism! #cute #itme

I got so many comments like that as a child, I’m pretty sure it’s at least part of the reason I turned into such an anti-social asshole.

It’s so hard to find Valentine’s Day shirts for boys that don’t have some vaguely sexual message, but when I saw the ones that said “Playground Casanova”, I was ready to call the fucking police.

those names are so accurate, it's painful. 

Yeah, when I was a child, our zoo had a display of blind cave fish that more or less said just that.

I suspect some people, like my friend, are so deep into their self isolation that they have convinced themselves that they aren't lonely and don't need to make more friends or do more fulfilling things than binging Netflix and reading. But then they are depressed and don't know why.