
I’m guessing at least some people don’t realize that it’s not legal. Or maybe the candidate accidentally let’s it slip during some idle chitchat or like the “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” portion of the interview. For some interviewers, it would be as simple as whether or not a person is wearing that little

well, studies have shown that a bad name can ruin your life. makes sense that she’d be depressed about it. hey, what was the name of that lioness that at her cubs?

If the majority of people's reaction is "Wait, what's that mean?" Then I'd have to say no, they are not in the same league.

Another article I read said that she abandoned it, so knowing Skip and Ping's history of trying to become fathers, they offered the egg to them.

And yet those lips look like they are going to buy Bonne Bell and the latest copy of Seventeen with her babysitting money.

I legit will cry if it is not fertilized. These are good dads, they deserve a baby! 

That is a possibility. I’ll bring it up at my next doctor’s appointment. Thanks!

Sounds interesting! I’ll have to add it to my “to read” pile. Thanks!

I shudder to think what goes in there.

I’ll have a look. Thanks!

Definitely had a “Wait, what?” moment.

That's a good suggestion. I'm not on antidepressants, but I'll have to check out my other prescriptions. Thank you!

Nah, we have more of a coyote problem out here in the sticks. Sadly.

Now playing

I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I occasionally binge Petty Paige’s videos.

Is it the schools you’re applying to maybe? Are you only applying to “good schools”?

I’m in a very similar situation, so I have no advice, but I do have commiseration cupcakes. At least you have a 13/10 cute kitten.

Hi Jezzies! I hope you all have been having nice summers. Or winters, if you’re down south. Fair warning, what follows is in overshare territory for some people.

What an appropriate username lol

I, um... somehow I got confused along the way. I thought this song was much older and by like, CCR or something. Great. Just great.

I love Baskin Robbins Daiquiri Ice so so much.