
Thanks for this! I’ve only played one mermaid so far and I couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong. As a Good sim, she only has the ability to change the weather and summon the dolphin.

Yeah, I was so sad to read about her untimely passing.

These are all very important points to consider. Thank you for your reply. 

I finally got to read that essay and Ahhhhh, omg it was so good! So much of it rang true for me! It really helped me see the whole thing with a lot more clarity. Thank you again!

Does anyone have advice on how to make very important decisions? Cuz I have not been able to decide if I want to get the puppy I posted on Groupthink the other day. I thought I had made it to a pretty firm “no”, but now I’m seriously wavering. He would be so good for me in a lot of ways, but I’m terrified my cat-son

I assume all jobs end in a catnapping (not cat napping, mind you).

I have to admit, within the last few months I realized my mom read that series (had my memory jogged by an old cover) and definitely had a WTF MOM??? moment. 

As a sidenote, I would like to live in this comment, please.

I have no good advice, but I just have to say I am in awe of your ability to set healthy boundaries and stick with them. I'm still trying to figure out how to do that.

Get Anastasia some baby clothes stat. No one will regret it. Except Ana. But she’ll be fine.


Is it possible to have nails like that and not have a bidet?

I always fully expected a book about the Games with The Capitol children. I suppose that can always come next...

Haha, ew. Thanks that definitely helped.

Seattle and Vancouver! Then you’ll definitely have fun and I’m definitely not just saying that as a fully biased Seattlite.

Commiseration buddy! Although honestly, this is probably really good for me. This is my first “real” person crush since I’ve started therapy, so I am taking the time to examine my feelings, the whys, the whats, the bad habits I have when crushing, and so on. Hopefully it will be a good opportunity for some personal

Happy for you that you had such a special relationship with your mom <3 My deepest sympathies on such a difficult day.

...are unnecessary, since he has expressed zero interest in me and can't even tell me apart from anyone else. This is all me.

Ok, this is just information I overheard in line at the store many years ago, but I remember someone saying they buried their dog in their garden and they had the best vegetables ever that year and for a number of years after.

You're making me cry, that is so beautiful.