
See, when I read about people’s experience with Barbies like that, I can absolutely get behind playing with Barbies. That's amazing! But I had a vastly different experience. The only thing I remember playing with my Barbies was getting them all dressed up for the ball to try to attract the attention of my only Ken. I

“’It’s wholesome play,’ she said...”

Every day that goes by, I become more and more exhausted by this country.

He bought the house. He’s probably paying the majority of the bills. I’m sure he can afford a maid. Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit. Just a few months ago, he was posting tweets that seemed to indicate that he was going to commit suicide. If their relationship is healthy enough for her to bring some

For all the good it did their father....

Each child has been progressively less attractive. Can you imagine being the least attractive of your siblings and last in line for the crown? He better start working on his personality now.

I've never met a good dude named Chase, ijs.

She carried around entire bags? Like in her hands? 

Not being familiar with the term "starlight mints", I thought maybe that was a Britishism for pillow mints and we were going to have to have a chat. 

I thought doulas were hired to be the mother’s advocate and guidence during birth? Particularly if the mother doesn't have support or had previously experienced a traumatic birth? 

This looks to be just what I needed. Thank you!

He's already fully covered by the pajamas he is wearing. 

Makes sense. I hope you end up loving your Shark! 

Hello Jezzies! I hope many of you had a good week and those of you who didn’t are able to share here on SNS and get some great and advice or even just empathy.

Have you considered a Roomba or other self propelling vac? I feel like with having a baby, taking a chore off your plate is a great idea. I love Simon, even if I have to help him when he gets stuck under my recliner or on a heat register. Or the terrifying time he somehow managed to get over the sliding door track and

There were three in the bed and the MintyCupcake said

The fact that Ed wears a robe on to the bridge makes zero sense. Also, I've never seen so many dudes in pajamas in my life.

I feel compelled to point out that is a legitimate fetish and it's possible someone involved with this movie would enjoy that condemnation. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me, it's always the repressed ones that are into the really wild shit.

I agree that Canada’s abortion laws need a rehaul, but not for quite the same reason(s). The opposite reasons, really.