
Hello, your friendly neighborhood dyslexic airhead, here to tell you that it took me a bit too long to figure out a “weem” is not, in fact, a British or Australian slang I’m not familiar with.

Do y'all remember a few years ago when that video went viral with the woman who pretended to be a crazy cat lady who broke down crying because she wanted to pet all the cats and wanted them to be safe and have homes? Yeah, that's me right now. All these beauties deserve so much love <3 Thank you for spending time with

You're just jealous that we're all going to turn into mermaids when that happens. 

Congrats on the job! Can't wait to hear about your first week on next Saturday's social. :)

Wow, that sounds like a shit show. At least you're wasted now! Sorry you had to deal with that.

Well, I finally couldn't take it anymore and went next door. I got the whole routine: I don't know what the problem is, I'm an adult, I can do what I want, we lead separate lives, etc. He even hit with "I'm sorry if you feel that way." Apparently, being treated with an ounce of respect and not just summoning me when

Thank you for the love and hugs. I am still so incredibly hurt and angry and at this point I don't think I can not confront him. So maybe I have to move and have no immediate family anymore. But maybe I'll finally be able to get my life in order and be happy with it too. So that would be something.

Puppeteer reads like something from a pop-punk band I would have eaten up in 2002.

Have fun storming the castle!

I’m sorry that you have to deal with this. Fake service animals are really getting out of hand and I wish something could be done.

I don't know, I still feel like they dodged a bullet there. It's still Australia, everything else was still going to try and kill them, even if the quokkas weren't.

That's great that you were able to get the medication at a reduced cost due to the study! Being able to mail the medication to people would make a world of difference for so many. Hopefully it's something they will be able to implement.

The last thing my boy brought me was a still living, completely unstunned Northern Flicker. As that giant ass bird flew toward my face, I actually thought "This is how I die." (I really hate scared, darty animals, especially when they get near my face). Cats are just the worst sometimes.

I was summoned for the jury pool for the first time when all of the judges had just come back from a conference and they called the maximum amount of jurors. It was a freaking madhouse. By the end of the first day, I wasn’t sure what hurt worse, my butt or my feet. Somehow, I managed to be called in for only two days,

I am so sorry for your loss. 

I am absolutely livid at my father. I have been seething for hours now for something that happened this afternoon. I have never been so humiliated in my entire life. Part of me wants to go next door and confront him over what happened at the way he’s been treating me. But the other part of me knows he will brush me

This article makes me want to start my own YouTube channel, for the umpteenth time. 

M break up with my best friend was easily the hardest end to a relationship I’ve ever had to deal with. We were so in each other’s pockets, people frequently assumed we were a lesbian couple. But we both moved after college and realistically, it’s demise was inevitable. But it was unexpected and painful (and in

I started to read my cousin's copy, but in the very first chapter (of a recent edition) the author went on anti-cloth diapering ranting, insisting that you'll be to tired and you should be spending that time with your baby anyway. It closed with a snarky "find another way to save the planet". I immediately put it

I started to read my cousin's copy, but in the very first chapter (of a recent edition) the author went on

Does anyone who is single actually own this fridge? This fridge screams “30 year mortgage, sedan and minivan in the driveway, 2.5 kids, and a dog” to me.