
Seattle Chocolate is a favorite in the Cupcake (extended) household. While not necessarily my favorite flavor of all time, since this is a Valentine’s Day candy round up, I submit for your drooling pleasure

Seattle Chocolate is a favorite in the Cupcake (extended) household. While not necessarily my favorite flavor of all

Do any of the government assistance programs, such as SNAP, cover or reduce the cost of feminine hygiene products?

Sorry to be *that* person, but have you considered menstrual cups? One of the (many benefits) is a significant reduction of cost for Feminine Hygiene products. A $40 (or less, I managed to snag a Diva cup in an eBay auction for about $25) can safely be used for years.

Appallingly, I am too lazy to look this up to confirm, but if I’m remembering correctly (and I just got my first Thirdlove bra at the beginning of January) any bras returned during the 30 day trial are cleaned up and donated. Although it wasn’t clear if that’s true for the “Second size for free” bras, too, although I

I fully understand that feeling. It can be crippling. I spent a number of weeks at the end of the year in a major funk because of how badly I want children, but how afraid for them I would be.

I would love to have had a baby by now. Sadly, despite my cat ownership and perusal of the internet (excluding dating sites), no partner to split the cost/ responsibility/ etc. has miraculously appeared. I don’t have the finances/ village/ etc. to do it on my own. Dudes on co-parenting sites are just as bad as the

Actually, the correct term is "furrever home". Now please excuse me, this projectile vomited isn't going to clean itself.

This pisses me off to no end. Another article mentioned that they had only been introduced a week prior, which is not very long. If this is true, then the London Zoo is at fault. I wouldn’t surprise me if in fact the male was actually not showing signs of interest or even possibly being aggressive, but they were so

I will be their first subscriber.

My mom, an elementary school teacher, relabeled Time Out as “Think Time” (sit on stool facing away from the classroom, think about what you did, why it wasn’t ok, and how you should behavior in the future - which, fyi, was not how she punished me as a child). That's pretty much what this sounds like, yet another

That's really fucked up and I'm sorry that happened. 

This didn't even happen and she brings race into it. JFC.

And now, after everyone has failed her, this poor girl will probably end up in foster care until she ages out of the system, unprepared for life and with a lifetime of bad choices ahead of her.

Ah, ok, I never watched the show growing up, just had a book from the Scholastic book order that I received accidentally. Didn't realize Owen started the series as a baby.

Wait, so these girls allegedly asked for compensation and instead of calling CPS to investigate why these girls would feel the need to do that, this assclown blames them and reduces this rapist's sentence? Fuck both of these nasty old white dudes. 

I hear nails on a chalkboard just looking at that top photo.

More like “I choose the latte”, amirite?

See, I don't know anyone who eats them as a meal replacement. I do know people who eat them as "snacks" though. Which is pretty alarming when you look at the nutritional facts.

Til: Charlotte Russe is not a Canadian company :|

Initially, I was really excited about that Politico story and what it could potentially mean for the future of our country. But I’ve gotten to the point where so much of politics makes me feel like who cares? It will take forever to be written, it will only be in effect for a few years, then power will be handed back