
You don't?

I don't know what skorts you're wearing, but the ones I've worn have all had fabric tabs that have to be undone (usually a minimum of two) pull back the skirt part to expose the zipper and undo that.

Fuck the NFL and fuck this cutesy-poo story for continuing the long standing tradition of ignoring the bull shit the NFL gets away with, barring a parenthesed link to an old article about the poor wages of their cheerleaders.

This article was clearly written by someone who never struggled to get a skort off while badly needing to pee.

Yo, so I don't know about McDonald's, but at another big box store that I worked at, we weren't allowed to take tips and it was a fireable offense. Hopefully the media attention will protect these two, if that's also true at McDonald's.

She *claims* that she knew the correct kanji for it, but it hurt too much so she cut out the middle two characters.

Which isn't much different of her original goal of becoming a Pokemon master.

Well, this went downhill in a hurry. Stagliano is a fucking creep.

We don’t always understand animals. Here’s a story about how several lionesses protected a young girl from would-be kidnappers.

I live alone, but am still considering this.

I live alone, but am still considering this.

Or, if you have a house full of half demons like I do, invest in a pill popper and cat sack. Assuming that you can get them in the sack in the first place.

The Almighty Amazon is also an option. 

My cats never give up hope and flail until they get a paw out. Then it's game over.

Thanks to the Seattle Housing crisis and the lack of development laws in our area, it's in full force here. On one had, it's nice to finally have a Costco and Emergency Animal Clinic in the immediate area, but that's about it.

The ingratitude of some people can be so astonishing sometimes. I was at my brother’s girlfriend’s sister’s house for Thanksgiving this past year and the topic of baby showers came up. A friend of the sister was also present, about 7 months along, and had had a family and friends baby shower the weekend before. She

I feel like the best course of action would have been to get the damn knives and then a few months later at a dinner party, offer to help in the kitchen and when you see her using the knife set, get all huffy and say rather pointedly “Why are you using the baby’s knives?”

Well there would certainly be a lot to celebrate!

Yes, that’s what happened with Elvis. It makes perfect sense for it to have also been true for Michael.

When my dad bought our family home back in the 70s, there was only one other house on the dead end road. Over the years, more houses have been added, eventually, topping off at 6 since sometime in the mid 90s, including my parents’ house and grandparents’ trailer. However, there’s always been an abandoned logging road

Obviously, what this woman did is amazing and admirable. But am I the only one who is curious as to why she is so overly involved in this one student's life? I don't mean to suggest anything nefarious is going on, but she is the SUPERINTENDENT. She can't possibly have the time or resources to help all of the children