John Brown's Body

Flagged for hate speech.

But what if they are “hate books”?!

It’s fine to be against Whitey as long as it’s the men, no one else can be discriminated against.

This would effectively shut down the majority of GMG-approved commentors on kinja though.. does not compute...

Honest question. Do you not see how pathetic this is?? “How to tattle tale when you start losing an argument”. You guys are so awful lol.

This article couldn’t be more dystopian if it was written by Stalin himself.

“[T]here’s no consistent or reliable way of identifying it online.”

On Twitter, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, racist and misogynist trolls run rampant.

“Hate Speech” has essentially devolved into “Anything Liberals Don’t Like to Hear”

None of that is ‘hate speech’. It’s a stupid, nebulous term that amounts to nothing more than ‘something I don’t like’.

How to be a whiny little snitch and complain about things that you don’t like. Because only you should be allowed to say what you want!

THE NEW STANDARD: If you disagree with it, it’s hate speech.

1 Find someone who disagrees with you on any political or religious point.

Yes, I eagerly await that article on the virtues of this next level of censorship. Mass censorship and authoritarianism is good and healthy for any society. People from all walks of life and political backgrounds always end up having great lives!

Everything I disagree with is hate speech. I’m a good person for censoring people and trying to create an environment of mass censorship facilitated by massive corporations. I once had problems with massive corporations but now I love them. I’m not hypocritical. Authoritarianism is good for society.


Next can you publish an article describing which accelerants work best for book burnings?

Hateful speech exists - but should not be regulated. Speech with a call to action, however, should be reported and removed.

How to identify hate speech, brought to you by GMG: Literally any opinion or statement you disagree with, especially if it is from a conservative viewpoint.

If you need a guide on how to report stuff on social media you are probably too stupid to be reporting stuff on social media.